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                             104 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adapting to the algorithm: how accuracy comparisons promote the use of a decision aid Liang, Garston

7 1 artikel
2 Algorithm-based advice taking and clinical judgement: impact of advice distance and algorithm information Pálfi, Bence

7 1 artikel
3 Are estimates of faces’ ages less accurate when they wear sunglasses or face masks and do these disguises make it harder to later recognise the faces when undisguised? Thorley, Craig

7 1 artikel
4 A three-factor benefits framework for understanding consumer preference for scented household products: psychological interactions and implications for future development Herz, Rachel S.

7 1 artikel
5 Beyond the beauty of occlusion: medical masks increase facial attractiveness more than other face coverings Hies, Oliver

7 1 artikel
6 Causal theory error in college students’ understanding of science studies Seifert, Colleen M.

7 1 artikel
7 Change blindness in simulated driving in individuals with homonymous visual field loss Swan, Garrett

7 1 artikel
8 Communication with face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic for adults with hearing loss Poon, Brenda T.

7 1 artikel
9 Conscientiousness protects visual search performance from the impact of fatigue Grady, Justin N.

7 1 artikel
10 Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation Cañal-Bruland, Rouwen

7 1 artikel
11 Coping with high advertising exposure: a source-monitoring perspective Bell, Raoul

7 1 artikel
12 Corneal reflections and skin contrast yield better memory of human and virtual faces Vaitonytė, Julija

7 1 artikel
13 Correction: Self-protecting motivation, indexed by self-threat, modifies retrieval-induced-forgetting and confidence in employment decision bias against out-group targets Liu, Shaohang

7 1 artikel
14 Correction: Syntactic chunking reveals a core syntactic representation of multi-digit numbers, which is generative and automatic Dotan, Dror

7 1 artikel
15 Correction: Transparent masks reduce the negative impact of opaque masks on understanding emotional states but not on sharing them McCrackin, Sarah D.

7 1 artikel
16 Correction: Typing expertise in a large student population Pinet, Svetlana

7 1 artikel
17 Cross-cultural differences in visuo-spatial processing and the culture-fairness of visuo-spatial intelligence tests: an integrative review and a model for matrices tasks Gonthier, Corentin

7 1 artikel
18 Detecting a familiar person behind the surgical mask: recognition without identification among masked versus sunglasses-covered faces Carlaw, Brooke N.

7 1 artikel
19 Different routes to liking: how readers arrive at narrative evaluations Mak, Marloes

7 1 artikel
20 Distinctive Sans Forgetica font does not benefit memory accuracy in the DRM paradigm Huff, Mark J.

7 1 artikel
21 Does race impact speech perception? An account of accented speech in two different multilingual locales Kutlu, Ethan

7 1 artikel
22 Domain-general cognitive motivation: Evidence from economic decision-making – Final Registered Report Crawford, Jennifer L.

7 1 artikel
23 Effects of experience on recognition of speech produced with a face mask Crinnion, Anne Marie

7 1 artikel
24 Effects of individual and dyadic decision-making and normative reference on delay discounting decisions Schwenke, Diana

7 1 artikel
25 Effects of verbal tasks on driving simulator performance Rann, Jonathan C.

7 1 artikel
26 Effects of widespread community use of face masks on communication, participation, and quality of life in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic Galvin, Karyn L.

7 1 artikel
27 Elementary math in elementary school: the effect of interference on learning the multiplication table Dotan, Dror

7 1 artikel
28 Even affective changes induced by the global health crisis are insufficient to perturb the hyper-stability of visual long-term memory Zhao, Chong

7 1 artikel
29 Face masks affect emotion categorisation, age estimation, recognition, and gender classification from faces Wong, Hoo Keat

7 1 artikel
30 Face masks disrupt holistic processing and face perception in school-age children Stajduhar, Andreja

7 1 artikel
31 Face masks have emotion-dependent dissociable effects on accuracy and confidence in identifying facial expressions of emotion Grenville, Emily

7 1 artikel
32 Face masks impair facial emotion recognition and induce specific emotion confusions Rinck, Mike

7 1 artikel
33 Face masks versus sunglasses: limited effects of time and individual differences in the ability to judge facial identity and social traits Bennetts, Rachel J.

7 1 artikel
34 Face mask use in healthcare settings: effects on communication, cognition, listening effort and strategies for amelioration Lee, Emily

7 1 artikel
35 Framing cognitive offloading in terms of gains or losses: achieving a more optimal use of reminders Fröscher, Lea

7 1 artikel
36 Habit-like attentional bias is unlike goal-driven attentional bias against spatial updating Hong, Injae

7 1 artikel
37 “He was the one with the gun!” Associative memory for white and black faces seen with weapons Erickson, William Blake

7 1 artikel
38 How does face mask in COVID-19 pandemic disrupt face learning and recognition in adults with autism spectrum disorder? Tso, Ricky V.

7 1 artikel
39 How do face masks impact communication amongst deaf/HoH people? Gutierrez-Sigut, Eva

7 1 artikel
40 How history trails and set size influence detection of hostile intentions Patton, Colleen E.

7 1 artikel
41 How one block of trials influences the next: persistent effects of disease prevalence and feedback on decisions about images of skin lesions in a large online study Wolfe, Jeremy M.

7 1 artikel
42 How sign language expertise can influence the effects of face masks on non-linguistic characteristics Lau, Wee Kiat

7 1 artikel
43 How well do practicing radiologists interpret the results of CAD technology? A quantitative characterization Branch, Fallon

7 1 artikel
44 Icon arrays reduce concern over COVID-19 vaccine side effects: a randomized control study Fansher, Madison

7 1 artikel
45 Impact of active and latent concerns about COVID-19 on attention Sisk, Caitlin A.

7 1 artikel
46 Impact of mask use on face recognition: an eye-tracking study Hsiao, Janet Hui-wen

7 1 artikel
47 Improving face identification of mask-wearing individuals Manley, Krista D.

7 1 artikel
48 Incomplete faces are completed using a more average face Kramer, Robin S. S.

7 1 artikel
49 Individual differences in naturally occurring affect predict conceptual breadth: evidence for the importance of arousal by valence interactions Chung, Andrew

7 1 artikel
50 Individual differences in social intelligence and perception of emotion expression of masked and unmasked faces Swain, Riley H.

7 1 artikel
51 Influences of early diagnostic suggestions on clinical reasoning Kourtidis, Ploutarchos

7 1 artikel
52 Interaction of prior category knowledge and novel statistical patterns during visual search for real-world objects Moon, Austin

7 1 artikel
53 Interpolated testing and content pretesting as interventions to reduce task-unrelated thoughts during a video lecture Welhaf, Matthew S.

7 1 artikel
54 Judging the credibility of websites: an effectiveness trial of the spacing effect in the elementary classroom Foot-Seymour, Vanessa

7 1 artikel
55 Lineup identification in young and older witnesses: does describing the criminal help or hinder? Holdstock, Juliet S.

7 1 artikel
56 Making decisions about health information on social media: a mouse-tracking study Lowry, Mark

7 1 artikel
57 Masked emotions: Do face mask patterns and colors affect the recognition of emotions? Blazhenkova, Olesya

7 1 artikel
58 Masked face identification is improved by diagnostic feature training Carragher, Daniel J.

7 1 artikel
59 Mask-wearing selectivity alters observers’ face perception Freud, Erez

7 1 artikel
60 Measuring the effects of misinformation exposure and beliefs on behavioural intentions: a COVID-19 vaccination study de Saint Laurent, Constance

7 1 artikel
61 More than skin deep: about the influence of self-relevant avatars on inhibitory control Friehs, Maximilian A.

7 1 artikel
62 Motor speed does not impact the drift rate: a computational HDDM approach to differentiate cognitive and motor speed Sandry, Joshua

7 1 artikel
63 Non-monotonic developmental trend of holistic processing in visual expertise: the case of Chinese character recognition Tso, Ricky Van-yip

7 1 artikel
64 On intersectionality: visualizing the invisibility of Black women Billups, Shelby

7 1 artikel
65 On the proposed role of metacognition in environment learning: recommendations for research Mason, Lauren A.

7 1 artikel
66 Perception of direct gaze in a video-conference setting: the effects of position and size Horstmann, Gernot

7 1 artikel
67 Positive symptoms of schizophrenia and their relationship with cognitive and emotional executive functions Ruiz-Castañeda, Pamela

7 1 artikel
68 Prior experience with target encounter affects attention allocation and prospective memory performance Moore, Kara N.

7 1 artikel
69 PTSD is associated with impaired event processing and memory for everyday events Pitts, Barbara L.

7 1 artikel
70 Recalling fake news during real news corrections can impair or enhance memory updating: the role of recollection-based retrieval Kemp, Paige L.

7 1 artikel
71 Simulated viewing distance impairs the confidence–accuracy relationship for long, but not moderate distances: support for a model incorporating the role of feature ambiguity Davis, Sara D.

7 1 artikel
72 Smiling makes you look older, even when you wear a mask: the effect of face masks on age perception Ganel, Tzvi

7 1 artikel
73 Speaking with a KN95 face mask: a within-subjects study on speaker adaptation and strategies to improve intelligibility Gutz, Sarah E.

7 1 artikel
74 Speed versus accuracy instructions in the response time concealed information test Lubczyk, Till

7 1 artikel
75 Spotting lesions in thorax X-rays at a glance: holistic processing in radiology Bilalić, Merim

7 1 artikel
76 Statistical feature training improves fingerprint-matching accuracy in novices and professional fingerprint examiners Growns, Bethany

7 1 artikel
77 Support for learning under naturalistic conditions Cronin-Golomb, Lucy M.

7 1 artikel
78 Surgical face masks do not impair the decoding of facial expressions of negative affect more severely in older than in younger adults Henke, Lea

7 1 artikel
79 Syntactic chunking reveals a core syntactic representation of multi-digit numbers, which is generative and automatic Dotan, Dror

7 1 artikel
80 Tactile information affects alternating visual percepts during binocular rivalry using naturalistic objects Ono, Mikoto

7 1 artikel
81 Target-rate effect in continuous visual search Chan, Louis K. H.

7 1 artikel
82 Task-unrelated thought increases after consumption of COVID-19 and general news Hart, Chelsie M.

7 1 artikel
83 Testing landmark-specific effects on route navigation in an ecologically valid setting: a simulated driving study Jabbari, Yasaman

7 1 artikel
84 That person is now with or without a mask: how encoding context modulates identity recognition Garcia-Marques, Teresa

7 1 artikel
85 The contribution of latent factors of executive functioning to mind wandering: an experience sampling study Marcusson-Clavertz, David

7 1 artikel
86 The effects of face coverings, own-ethnicity biases, and attitudes on emotion recognition Cooper, Holly

7 1 artikel
87 The effects of testing the relationships among relational concepts Corral, Daniel

7 1 artikel
88 The influence of context representations on cognitive control states Alzahabi, Reem

7 1 artikel
89 The influence of familiarity on memory for faces and mask wearing Kollenda, Diana

7 1 artikel
90 The interactive functional biases of manual, language and attention systems Serrien, Deborah J.

7 1 artikel
91 The optimal use of computer aided detection to find low prevalence cancers Kunar, Melina A.

7 1 artikel
92 The perception of intonational and emotional speech prosody produced with and without a face mask: an exploratory individual differences study Sinagra, Chloe

7 1 artikel
93 Thinking about time: identifying prospective temporal illusions and their consequences Tausen, Brittany M.

7 1 artikel
94 Toward a more comprehensive modeling of sequential lineups Kellen, David

7 1 artikel
95 Transparent masks reduce the negative impact of opaque masks on understanding emotional states but not on sharing them McCrackin, Sarah D.

7 1 artikel
96 Two face masks are better than one: congruency effects in face matching Estudillo, Alejandro J.

7 1 artikel
97 Typing expertise in a large student population Pinet, Svetlana

7 1 artikel
98 Unattractive faces are more attractive when the bottom-half is masked, an effect that reverses when the top-half is concealed Pazhoohi, Farid

7 1 artikel
99 Using objective measures to examine the effect of suspect-filler similarity on eyewitness identification performance McKinley, Geoffrey L.

7 1 artikel
100 Verifying unfamiliar identities: Effects of processing name and face information in the same identity-matching task Trinh, Anita

7 1 artikel
101 Visual communication via the design of food and beverage packaging Spence, Charles

7 1 artikel
102 Visual working memory for connected 3D objects: effects of stimulus complexity, dimensionality and connectivity He, Chuanxiuyue

7 1 artikel
103 Wakeful resting and listening to music contrast their effects on verbal long-term memory in dependence on word concreteness Martini, Markus

7 1 artikel
104 What makes online teaching spatial? Examining the connections between K-12 teachers’ spatial skills, affect, and their use of spatial pedagogy during remote instruction Rocha, Kelsey

7 1 artikel
                             104 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland