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                             64 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of concrete mechanical properties when adding type-E glass fibers Rosas, Marialaura Herrera

8 1 artikel
2 An electrical modeling approach for analysis of the behavior of carbon nanotubes cement-based composite Matos, Ryan A.

8 1 artikel
3 Assessment of flexural strength of concrete with marble powder applying soft computing techniques Sharma, Nitisha

8 1 artikel
4 Assessment of metric accuracy on data acquisition using point cloud: an application to the José de Alencar Theater Fideles, Bruna Tayna Macedo

8 1 artikel
5 Assessment of slab-column connections with lattice shear reinforcement using damaged plasticity model Serajzadeh, Seyed Adel

8 1 artikel
6 Automatic classification and isolation of cracks on masonry surfaces using deep transfer learning and semantic segmentation Aliu, Abdulmalik Adozuka

8 1 artikel
7 Behavior of steel beam to built-up box column moment connections with vertically stiffened panel zone Peykari, Kianoush

8 1 artikel
8 Behaviour of raked column subjected to blast loading Ushapriya, B. T.

8 1 artikel
9 BIM interoperability in the maintenance planning process for existing buildings Inojosa, Leonardo da Silveira Pirillo

8 1 artikel
10 Casting plan for a mass concrete foundation of a high-rise building for avoiding DEF and shrinkage cracking Machado, Amanda Moreira Lima

8 1 artikel
11 CFD prediction of urban outdoor ventilation around a building group: impact of high-rise building’s height and distance variation Yazarlou, Tayyebeh

8 1 artikel
12 Characterization of high-strength concrete by Preferential supplant of scrap tyre rubber powder-bambara nut shell ash constituent: utilization of novel waste materials in concrete Reddy, K. Chandrasekhar

8 1 artikel
13 Characterization of historic masonry of the twentieth century: Casa Salinger, Blumenau-SC Salamoni, Natália

8 1 artikel
14 Choosing a strategy for the reconstruction of residential buildings after the war in terms of physical identity (case study: the city of Homs in Syria) Alsulaiman, Batool

8 1 artikel
15 Classifying the severity levels of cracking anomaly on façades Romeiro, Thália Raelly de L. M.

8 1 artikel
16 Correction to: Physical and mechanical characterization of traditional Brazilian clay bricks from different centuries Araújo, Emanuel

8 1 artikel
17 Developments in the unified performance-based seismic design Das, Tushar Kanti

8 1 artikel
18 Diagnosis and structural intervention of an old estate hull in the Tarímbaro County, Michoacán Martínez, Guillermo

8 1 artikel
19 Digitalization based on high-resolution scanning and HBIM tools for damage assessment of the José de Alencar house Rubens, Tallis

8 1 artikel
20 Digital survey applied to the assessment of pathological manifestations in the architectural heritage of monte alegre in Piracicaba/SP Rodrigues, Bruno Noronha

8 1 artikel
21 Durability analysis of partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement by white glass waste concrete da Silva Filho, Mauro José

8 1 artikel
22 Effect of volcanic pumice powder ash on the properties of cement concrete using response surface methodology Waqar, Ahsan

8 1 artikel
23 Effects of green roofs and vertical greenery systems on building thermal comfort in dry climates: an experimental study Saifi, Nadia

8 1 artikel
24 Evaluation of degrading hysteresis on RC structures retrofitted with energy dissipating systems Jara, Jose M.

8 1 artikel
25 Evaluation of the structural degradation of a garage in a residential building using the GDE/UnB methodology: a case study Machado, Marina Araujo

8 1 artikel
26 Experimental investigation of engineered alkali-activated fibrous geopolymer concrete Abbass, Mahapara

8 1 artikel
27 Fiber reinforced polymers for historical bridges upgrading: a fatigue life assessment Garcez, Mônica Regina

8 1 artikel
28 Flexural and shear behaviour of lightweight RC beams strengthened by NSM GFRP bars Al-Thairy, Haitham

8 1 artikel
29 Fortresses in Portugal. Conservation and basis for new uses Paupério, Esmeralda

8 1 artikel
30 Impact of unique mixing methodology on macro and microstructural characteristics of concrete containing slag and fly ash Malipeddi, Reshma

8 1 artikel
31 Influence of different bacterial strains on cracks self-healing in cement-based matrices with and without incorporated air Lenz, Sheila Karine

8 1 artikel
32 Influence of permeable formwork on the performance of polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete Kandasamy, S.

8 1 artikel
33 Influence of silica fume and metakaolin on durability properties of hybrid fibers reinforced high strength concrete Sriram, M.

8 1 artikel
34 Laboratory procedure for obtaining chloride profiles from concrete structures cores: a mathematical approach Reichert, Thiago Alessi

8 1 artikel
35 Lime-based mortars with added silica fume and bioproducts for restoration and preservation of heritage buildings Barbosa, Maria Teresa

8 1 artikel
36 Low-cost optical interrogator system for structural health monitoring Diaz, Camilo

8 1 artikel
37 Mechanical properties of lightweight green concrete including nano calcium carbonate Sldozian, Rami Joseph Aghajan

8 1 artikel
38 Microstructural study of blended concrete containing multiple admixtures Kanthe, Vishvanath N.

8 1 artikel
39 Modification of load carrying capacity model for composite column Rath, Badrinarayan

8 1 artikel
40 Parametric modeling using the BIM methodology for the process of pathology identification in buildings Carlos Dos Santos Júnior, José

8 1 artikel
41 Performance analysis of concrete with repurposed industrial glass waste Cadore, Bianca Carlin

8 1 artikel
42 Physical and mechanical characterization of calcined clays for use as supplementary cementitious material Rodrigues, Gustavo Gutierrez de Oliveira

8 1 artikel
43 Production of adhesive mortars with ornamental rock processing sludge and calcium carbonate sludge Pereira, Guilherme

8 1 artikel
44 Properties of coconut fiber-reinforced mortars for sustainable solutions dos Santos Alberton, Kétlin

8 1 artikel
45 Proposition of a methodology for the evaluation of adhesiveness (pull-off test) of aggregate−geopolymer binder interfaces Muñoz, Jonathan Sneyder Penagos

8 1 artikel
46 Recycled steel fiber for fiber reinforced concrete production: fresh and hardened properties, cost, and ecological assessments Roshan, Naeim

8 1 artikel
47 Rehabilitation of deteriorated reinforced self-consolidating concrete brackets and corbels using CFRP composites: diagnosis and treatment Shakir, Qasim M.

8 1 artikel
48 Repairing of web opened RC beam with ferrocement laminates using alkali activated mortar Sinha, Arnab Kumar

8 1 artikel
49 Response of reinforced concrete structures designed before and after 2015 Nepal earthquake Pandit, Tekkan

8 1 artikel
50 Retaining the Particle packing approach and its application in developing the cement composites towards sustainability Gayathiri, K.

8 1 artikel
51 Seismic behaviour of plan irregular reinforced concrete buildings considering soil effects Dhakal, Shweta

8 1 artikel
52 Seismic damage indices for the San Miguel Charo Ex-Convent in Michoacán, México Martínez, Guillermo

8 1 artikel
53 Seismic performance of vertical link beam equipped with absorbing plates for creating rocking motion and directing damage Nejati, Faezeh

8 1 artikel
54 Structural performance of reinforced concrete beams subjected to combined effects of corrosion and cyclic loading Stein, Kássio Joe

8 1 artikel
55 Study of the Morphological Characteristics of Geopolymer concrete based on Eggshell and Bauxite powder Chary, Konnoju Saikumar

8 1 artikel
56 Study the flexural behavior of ferrocement flat panels Zareei, Sayed Alireza

8 1 artikel
57 The effect of cross section type on the performance of different sized bolted shear connectors for composite cold-formed steel beams Salah, Mustafa S.

8 1 artikel
58 The effect of using glass powder as cement substitution and its mixing method on the concrete characteristics Ibrahim, K. I. M.

8 1 artikel
59 Theoretical model of correlation between ductility, degree of corrosion, and critical diameter of reinforcing bars under natural degradation Reichert, Thiago Alessi

8 1 artikel
60 Thermal modeling and monitoring of massive concrete foundations to prevent pathological manifestations Vidal, Alexandre

8 1 artikel
61 Thermal properties of conductive concrete using graphite powder and steel fibers Adari, S. K.

8 1 artikel
62 The structural behavior of composite cold-formed steel beam-to-column joints with different connection shapes Salah, Mustafa S.

8 1 artikel
63 Traditional earth construction: case study of the community of Rodeo Alto, Cochabamba-Bolivia Campos, Alejandra Araoz

8 1 artikel
64 Updating the documentation of a historic building: a case study of the José de Alencar theatre Vieira, Mylene

8 1 artikel
                             64 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland