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                             45 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A concrete shrinkage monitoring technique using embedded piezoelectric impedance transducers Wang, Dansheng

9 4 artikel
2 Analysing the impact of socio-economic variables, travel characteristics, and psychological factors on the selection of crossing facilities under time pressure Saxena, Aditya

9 4 artikel
3 Analysis of the characteristics and environmental benefits of rice husk ash as a supplementary cementitious material through experimental and machine learning approaches Datta, Shuvo Dip

9 4 artikel
4 Application of binary logistic models for identifying high pile rebound using cone penetration test data Shaban, Alaa M.

9 4 artikel
5 A review of mechanical and durability properties and microstructure of semi-flexible pavement Raza, Mohammad Shahid

9 4 artikel
6 Assessment of traffic-induced noise pollution using correspondence analysis Dubey, Payal

9 4 artikel
7 A surrogate model for predicting dam displacement under seismic load for different orthotropic states of concrete Saeed, Rezvan

9 4 artikel
8 Chlorine salt influence on durability and strength of additive-free EPS lightweight concrete Ahmed, Faris Rashied

9 4 artikel
9 Climate-induced deterioration prediction for bridges: an evolutionary computing-based framework Elleathy, Yasser

9 4 artikel
10 Comparative study of different strengthening methods on the RC columns exposed to high temperatures Roy, A. B. Danie

9 4 artikel
11 Comparative study of the code-prescribed design interventions for open ground storey buildings in India Kurmi, P. L.

9 4 artikel
12 Conventional and ferrocement-based hybrid design of RCC tanks: a comparative study Saxena, Sukanya

9 4 artikel
13 Correction: Influence of the secondary aluminum chip on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete Muñoz Perez, Socrates Pedro

9 4 artikel
14 Critical success factors of infrastructure construction projects Yamany, Mohamed S.

9 4 artikel
15 Designing a fuzzy-based framework for implementing performance-based contracts in bridge asset management Alsharqawi, Mohammed

9 4 artikel
16 Driver behavior modeling at uncontrolled intersections under Indian traffic conditions Singh, Dungar

9 4 artikel
17 Experimental and analytical study on the potential of reusing waste plastic straps as a replacement for conventional steel stirrups in normal reinforced beams Abdullah, Wrya

9 4 artikel
18 Experimental investigation of non-prismatic hybrid plane frame containing glass fiber reactive powder concrete and conventional concrete under static load Al-Saffar, Dhurgham H.

9 4 artikel
19 Experimentation on triple-blended concrete with manufactured sand replaced by granulated blast furnace slag for fine aggregates Impa, K. A.

9 4 artikel
20 Flexural capacity of reinforced concrete slabs retrofitted with ultra-high-performance concrete and fiber-reinforced polymer Hoang, Viet Hai

9 4 artikel
21 Free vibration analysis of airfield runway rigid pavement by finite element technique Ibrar, Mohd

9 4 artikel
22 Glass fiber reinforced concrete: overview of mechanical and microstructural analysis Muñoz Pérez, Sócrates Pedro

9 4 artikel
23 Implication of future temperature changes on asphalt binder selection and simulated pavement performance in Sharjah Abttan, Abdulmalek A.

9 4 artikel
24 Influence of deteriorated stirrups on the shear performance of RC beams incorporating fly ash and enhanced with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer strengthening Sathe, Sandeep

9 4 artikel
25 Internet of things (IoT)-based structural health monitoring of laboratory-scale civil engineering structures Saravanan, T. Jothi

9 4 artikel
26 Investigating the properties and microstructure of high-performance cement composites with nano-silica, silica fume, and ultra-fine TiO2 Saradar, Ashkan

9 4 artikel
27 Investigation for influence of geopathic stress on structural behaviour of road elements Kolekar, Dipak M.

9 4 artikel
28 Local scour downstream of various shapes of piano key weirs Abdi Chooplou, Chonoor

9 4 artikel
29 Microstructural investigation of ternary blended high-performance concrete using supplementary cementitious materials Bharat, Abhinav

9 4 artikel
30 Modeling 85th percentile speed differential for evaluating geometric design consistency on two-lane rural highways Tottadi, Kiran Kumar

9 4 artikel
31 Natural rubber latex for the development of high performance cement mortar Mathew, Liji Anna

9 4 artikel
32 New approach for satellite DEM accuracy enhancement by combing machine learning, fuzzy majority voting, and weighted interpolation techniques Kandil, Walaa Metwaly

9 4 artikel
33 Performance of concrete filled steel tube after exposure to fire with 100% granulated blast furnace slag fine aggregate infill concrete Patra, Rakesh Kumar

9 4 artikel
34 Performance of dump zone dust material-based sustainable concrete Chundawat, Dalpat Singh

9 4 artikel
35 Performance of RC double skin tubular column confined with UPVC pipe under axial compression Bandyopadhyay, Atrayee

9 4 artikel
36 Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) technique for road infrastructure monitoring: a case study of the roadway network of the Nile Delta (Egypt) Ibrahim, Heba Basyouni

9 4 artikel
37 Precipitation trends analysis of North Karnataka for 1960–2018 using GIS modelling Bharath, A. L.

9 4 artikel
38 Public transit system management during pandemics: global practices and a way forward Raj, Ankit

9 4 artikel
39 Reliability and risk analysis for overlay designing of flexible pavements Ghodratabadi, Mahdi

9 4 artikel
40 Resilient–vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructure, key resources, assets, and facilities Ewa, Wofai O.

9 4 artikel
41 Reviewing the potential: a comprehensive review of natural fibers (NFs) in structural concrete and their multifaceted influences Jahami, Ali

9 4 artikel
42 Scientometric analysis and panoramic review on life cycle assessment in the construction industry Aparna, Kamarthi

9 4 artikel
43 Statistical modeling of factors associated with human deaths per road traffic accident of Jimma town, Ethiopia Melese, Damtew

9 4 artikel
44 Unveiling earthquake hazard in Noida, India: a combined probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard assessment Kundu, P.

9 4 artikel
45 Utilization of the natural Jordanian bentonite clay in hydraulic cement mortars Abu-Salem, Zaydoun

9 4 artikel
                             45 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland