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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A novel Ti-5.55Al-6.70Zr-1.50V-0.70Mo-3.41Nb-0.21Si alloy designed using cluster-plus-glue-atom model for laser additive manufacturing Liu, Tian-yu

20 5 p. 414-422
2 Corrosion and wear properties of in situ (TiB+TiC)/TA15 composites with a high volume percentage of reinforcement Wang, Wei-long

20 5 p. 423-431
3 Distribution pattern of acoustic and streaming field during multi-source ultrasonic melt treatment process Fang, Xiao-gang

20 5 p. 452-460
4 Effect of electromagnetic stirrer centered outside the mold on steel flow field of bloom continuous casting Xing, Li-dong

20 5 p. 461-468
5 Effect of sintering temperature on microstructure and properties of 3D printing polysilazane reinforced Al2O3 core Dong, Wen-jun

20 5 p. 387-394
6 Effect of Ta on solidification characteristics and mechanical properties of DZ411 Ni-based superalloy Peng, Peng

20 5 p. 376-386
7 Effects of macrosegregation on mechanical and tribological properties of squeeze casting immiscible bearing alloys Xu, Ming

20 5 p. 443-451
8 Elastic-viscoplastic constitutive equations of K439B superalloy and thermal stress simulation during casting process Sui, Da-shan

20 5 p. 403-413
9 Influence of heat treatments on incipient melting structures of DD5 nickel-based single crystal superalloy Jia, Zhi-hong

20 5 p. 395-402
10 On establishment of novel constitutive model for directionally solidified nickel-based superalloys utilizing machine learning methods Sun, Jia-yan

20 5 p. 365-375
11 Simulation of inclined dendrites under natural convection by KKS phase field model based on CUDA Zhu, Chang-sheng

20 5 p. 432-442
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland