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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Energy production and well site disturbance from conventional and unconventional natural gas development in West Virginia Grushecky, Shawn T.

7 4 p. 358-368
2 Evaluation of microalgae, sludge and cedar wood blends for aromatic hydrocarbon-enriched bio-oil production Chakraborty, Sourabh

7 4 p. 408-424
3 Fly ash application in soil for sustainable agriculture: an Indian overview Varshney, Ayushi

7 4 p. 340-357
4 Food waste to bioenergy: current status and role in future circular economies in Indonesia Suhartini, Sri

7 4 p. 297-339
5 Phytoplankton communities as bio-indicators of water quality in a mining-affected area of the river Ganga, Haridwar, India Kamboj, Vishal

7 4 p. 425-438
6 The complex research on the technical conditions of energy application of wood pyrolysis bio-oil Larionov, Kirill B.

7 4 p. 393-407
7 Wind integrated optimal power flow considering power losses, voltage deviation, and emission using equilibrium optimization algorithm Amroune, Mohammed

7 4 p. 369-392
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland