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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alteration in chemical composition and antioxidant defense potential of essential oil of Jatropha curcas L. grown in fly ash-amended soil Chhabra, Akshita

6 6 p. 566-575
2 Evaluation of the thermal performance of various nanofluids used to harvest solar energy Alshuraiaan, Bader

6 6 p. 531-539
3 Optimization of esterification of palm fatty acid distillate using conventional approach and its comparison with ultrasonic and microwave irradiation Bagal, Manisha

6 6 p. 555-565
4 Socio-economic impacts and challenges associated with the electrification of a remote area in rural Tanzania through a mini-grid system Falk, Joern

6 6 p. 513-530
5 Systematic investigation of Iranian Vacuum Bottom hydrodenitrogenation to produce clean fuel oil for marine transportation Salimi, Mohammad

6 6 p. 540-554
6 The energy and environment connection, research trends based on a bibliometric analysis Reyes-Belmonte, Miguel Angel

6 6 p. 479-495
7 The nexus between economic growth, energy use, international trade and ecological footprints: the role of environmental regulations in N11 countries Nathaniel, Solomon Prince

6 6 p. 496-512
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland