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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Archana Aggarwal: Labouring Lives: Industry and Informality in New India Bose, Annavajhula J. C.

66 4 p. 1165-1167
2 Can Female Political Representation Impact Female Labour Force Participation Rate? A Study across Indian States using Fixed Effect Panel Data Model Sharma, Deepika

66 4 p. 1005-1017
3 Discerning the Long-Term Pace and Patterns of Employment in India Padhi, Balakrushna

66 4 p. 975-1004
4 Discouraged Worker Effect among Indian Women: Evidence from FLFP Survey Mondal, Bidisha

66 4 p. 1019-1040
5 Does Higher Labour Market Flexibility Discourage R&D? Firm-Level Evidence from India’s Organised Manufacturing Roy, Gopal Krishna

66 4 p. 1119-1130
6 Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Labour Market Deshpande, Ashwini

66 4 p. 951-959
7 Pioneers in Indian Labour Studies, 1900–1930 Krishnamurty, J.

66 4 p. 961-974
8 63rd Annual Indian Society of Labour Economics Conference: A Report
66 4 p. 1131-1164
9 Recent Dynamics of Women Labour Force Participation in India Chattopadhyay, Sadhan Kumar

66 4 p. 1041-1059
10 Role of Education, Worker Population Ratio and Health in Reducing Gender Disparity: A Disaggregated Gender Analysis of India Misra, Roli

66 4 p. 1061-1080
11 Short- and Long-term Impact of COVID-19 on Earnings and Employment in the Metropolitan City Yadav, Sonal

66 4 p. 1097-1118
12 The Profound Influence of Time Poverty on Women’s Work–Life Conflict Jaggi, Sukhpreet Kaur

66 4 p. 1081-1096
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland