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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Exploratory Study of Health and Livelihood Conditions of Coal Workers in Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya Nongrem, Wistful In Excelsis

63 2 p. 499-509
2 Automation and the Future of Garment Sector Jobs in India Vashisht, Pankaj

63 2 p. 225-246
3 Does Global Economic Integration affect Labour Income Share in India? Mallick, Jagannath

63 2 p. 291-309
4 Education, Caste and Women’s Work in India Datta, Amrita

63 2 p. 387-406
5 Employability and Earning Differentials Among Technically and Vocationally Trained Youth in India Singh, Satinder

63 2 p. 363-386
6 Expansion in Education and Its Impact on Income Inequality: Cross-sectional Evidence from India Shukla, Vachaspati

63 2 p. 331-362
7 Female Domestic Workers: Income Determinants and Empowerment Correlates—A Case Study Bhattacharjee, Sanghita

63 2 p. 483-498
8 Female Workers and Transformation of Rural Economy into Urban Economy Kumar, Prem

63 2 p. 459-469
9 Full and Productive Employment in Developing Economies: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals by Rizwan-ul Islam Acharya, Sarthi

63 2 p. 561-564
10 Future of Work and Emerging Challenges to the Capabilities of the Indian Workforce Reddy, Narasimha D.

63 2 p. 199-224
11 Impact of M&As on Employment in the Indian Information Technology (IT) Industry Soni, Amit

63 2 p. 311-329
12 Job Polarisation in India: Structural Causes and Policy Implications Kuriakose, Francis

63 2 p. 247-266
13 Labour Market Participation in India: A Region- and Gender-Specific Study by Arup Mitra and Aya Okada Gupta, Varsha

63 2 p. 571-573
14 Making of Homes as Workplaces: Notes for a Spatial Approach to Women’s Livelihood Narayan, Malavika

63 2 p. 471-482
15 61st Annual ISLE Conference: A Report
63 2 p. 525-559
16 Structure and Changes in Household Income and Employment Across Social Groups in Rural India Bera, Manasi

63 2 p. 407-435
17 The Impact of Chinese Imports on Indian Wage Inequality Deb, Kaveri

63 2 p. 267-290
18 Uberizing Informality: The Case of Non-owner, Driver-Partners in the City of Hyderabad Samuel, Vineet John

63 2 p. 511-524
19 Women and Labour Market Dynamics: New Insights and Evidences by Balwant Singh Mehta and Ishwar Chandra Awasthi Patel, Vibhuti

63 2 p. 565-569
20 Women’s Participation in Domestic Duties and Paid Employment in India: The Missing Links Samantroy, Ellina

63 2 p. 437-457
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland