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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Fluxes of organic carbon in Manukau Harbour, New Zealand Vant, W. N.

21 4 p. 560-570
2 Nutrient uptake in a highly turbid estuary (the Humber, United Kingdom) and adjacent coastal waters Shaw, Peter J.

21 4 p. 507-517
3 On the quantitative importance of heterotrophic microplankton in the northern German Wadden Sea Tillmann, Urban

21 4 p. 585-596
4 Relationship between waterfowl and the seagrassRuppia maritima in a Southwestern Atlantic coastal lagoon Bortolus, Alejandro

21 4 p. 710-717
5 Retention of phosphorus and nitrogen in the Ems estuary van Beusekom, J. E. E.

21 4 p. 527-539
6 Seasonal dynamics of aggregates and their typical biocoenosis in the Elbe Estuary Zimmermann-Timm, Heike

21 4 p. 613-621
7 Second International Joint Conference, Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association and Estuarine Research Federation. Transport, retention, transformation processes and their biological control in estuarine and coastal systems: An introduction Tenore, Kenneth R.

21 4 p. 505-506
8 Spatial and temporal patterns in coastal macrobenthos of Samborombon Bay, Argentina: A case study of very low diversity Ieno, E. N.

21 4 p. 690-699
9 Spatial and temporal patterns of factors influencing phytoplankton in a salt wedge estuary, the Swan River, Western Australia Thompson, Peter A.

21 4 p. 801-817
10 Temporal and spatial variations in estuarine sedimentation McManus, John

21 4 p. 622-634
11 The effect of migratory shorebirds on the benthic species of three southwestern Atlantic Argentinean estuaries Botto, Florencia

21 4 p. 700-709
12 The influence of tidal action on porewater nitrate concentration and dynamics in intertidal sediments of the Sado estuary Rocha, Carlos

21 4 p. 635-645
13 The role of physical-biological coupling in the benthic boundary layer under megatidal conditions: The case of the dominant species of theAbra alba community in the Eastern Baie de Seine (English Channel) Olivier, Frédéric

21 4 p. 571-584
14 Transformation of phosphorus in the Elbe estuary van Beusekom, J. E. E.

21 4 p. 518-526
15 Transport and retention of suspended particulate matter and bacteria in the Humber-Ouse Estuary, United Kingdom, and their relationship to hypoxia and anoxia Uncles, R. J.

21 4 p. 597-612
16 Transport, retention and transformation of material in Australian estuaries Eyre, Bradley

21 4 p. 540-551
17 Use of annular flumes to determine the influence of current velocity and bivalves on material flux at the sediment-water interface Widdows, John

21 4 p. 552-559
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland