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                             45 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparative study of parental knowledge and adaptation of immigrant youth Turjanmaa, Elina

8 1 artikel
2 After the refugee crisis: public discourse and policy change in Denmark, Norway and Sweden Hagelund, Anniken

8 1 artikel
3 Ambiguous goals, uneven implementation – how immigration offices shape internal immigration control in Germany Schultz, Caroline

8 1 artikel
4 An IMISCOE effect? The role of a network of excellence in developing European migration research in the twenty-first century Levy, Nathan

8 1 artikel
5 Another nexus? Exploring narratives on the linkage between EU external migration policies and the democratization of the southern Mediterranean neighbourhood Faustini-Torres, Luisa

8 1 artikel
6 Asian perspectives of migration: a commentary Chan, Yuk Wah

8 1 artikel
7 Barcelona: municipalist policy entrepreneurship in a centralist refugee reception system Garcés-Mascareñas, Blanca

8 1 artikel
8 Between fragmentation and institutionalisation: the rise of migration studies as a research field Levy, Nathan

8 1 artikel
9 Blind men and the elephant: one view of the field of migration studies DeWind, Josh

8 1 artikel
10 Building inclusive cities: reflections from a knowledge exchange on the inclusion of newcomers by UK local authorities Broadhead, Jacqueline

8 1 artikel
11 Comparing generations of migrants’ transnational behaviour: the role of the transnational convoy and integration Klok, Jolien

8 1 artikel
12 Correction to: Between fragmentation and institutionalisation: the rise of migration studies as a research field Levy, Nathan

8 1 artikel
13 Data and research to inform global policy: the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration Kraly, Ellen Percy

8 1 artikel
14 Different selection processes, different outcomes? Comparing labor market integration of asylum refugees, resettled refugees and their reunited family members in Finland Tervola, Jussi

8 1 artikel
15 (Dis)connecting migration: transnationalism and nationalism beyond connectivity Nowicka, Magdalena

8 1 artikel
16 Editorial: “Mediterranean thinking” for mapping a Mediterranean migration research agenda Zapata-Barrero, Ricard

8 1 artikel
17 Education and social support: do migrants benefit as much as natives? Brandt, Jana

8 1 artikel
18 Emigrant citizenship, privileged local belonging and the option to return: Germans on the Turkish coast Fauser, Margit

8 1 artikel
19 Hybrid identity and practices to negotiate belonging: Madrid’s Muslim youth of migrant origin Boland, Colleen

8 1 artikel
20 Immigration in the populist crucible: comparing Brexit and Trump Joppke, Christian

8 1 artikel
21 Immigration policy mismatches and counterproductive outcomes: unauthorized migration to the U.S. in two eras Massey, Douglas S.

8 1 artikel
22 Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement Oliver, Caroline

8 1 artikel
23 Intersecting social structures and human actors: Ganfoso refugees’ settling experiences and impact on children’s education Akua-Sakyiwah, Beatrice

8 1 artikel
24 Is migration a unique field of study in social sciences? A response to Levy, Pisarevskaya, and Scholten Hollifield, James F.

8 1 artikel
25 Migration as one of several adaptation strategies for environmental limitations in Tunisia: evidence from El Faouar Sobczak-Szelc, Karolina

8 1 artikel
26 Multilevel governance in trouble: the implementation of asylum seekers’ reception in Italy as a battleground Campomori, Francesca

8 1 artikel
27 Naturalisation in context: how nationality laws and procedures shape immigrants’ interest and ability to acquire nationality in six European countries Huddleston, Thomas

8 1 artikel
28 On migration, geography, and epistemic communities King, Russell

8 1 artikel
29 On uneven internationalisation, disciplinary diversity and interpretation of co-citation analysis Pisarevskaya, Asya

8 1 artikel
30 Permanent or temporary settlement? A study on the short-term effects of residence status on refugees’ labour market participation Jutvik, Kristoffer

8 1 artikel
31 Public perception of human trafficking: a case study of Moldova Bogdan, Ludmila

8 1 artikel
32 Rethinking minority status and ‘visibility’ Song, Miri

8 1 artikel
33 Shifts in the global migration order and migration transitions in Europe: the cases of Turkey and Russia Düvell, Franck

8 1 artikel
34 Social contact and encounter in asylum seeker reception: the Utrecht Refugee Launchpad Oliver, Caroline

8 1 artikel
35 The architecture of national boundary regimes: mapping immigration and citizenship policies in 23 democracies 1980–2010 Schmid, Samuel D.

8 1 artikel
36 The Grandhotel Cosmopolis – a concrete utopia? Reflections on the mediated and lived geographies of asylum accommodation Zill, Marielle

8 1 artikel
37 Theorizing interactions of migrant transnationalism and integration through a multiscalar approach Erdal, Marta Bivand

8 1 artikel
38 The role of labour market integration in migrants’ decisions about family reunification: a comparative study of Polish migrants in Norway, Sweden, and the UK Ryndyk, Oleksandr

8 1 artikel
39 Three sub-Saharan migration systems in times of policy restriction Beauchemin, Cris

8 1 artikel
40 Towards a typology of local migration diversity policies van Breugel, Ilona

8 1 artikel
41 Two cheers for Migration Studies Vertovec, Steven

8 1 artikel
42 Unequal internationalisation and the emergence of a new epistemic community: gender and migration Kofman, Eleonore

8 1 artikel
43 Vielfalt and diversité: how local actors in France and Germany evaluate immigration and socio-cultural heterogeneity Schiller, Maria

8 1 artikel
44 Wages, integration, migration motivation: cases of export industry employees in Tijuana and Tangiers-Tetouan Kopinak, Kathryn

8 1 artikel
45 Young refugees and locals living under the same roof: intercultural communal living as a catalyst for refugees’ integration in European urban communities? Mahieu, Rilke

8 1 artikel
                             45 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland