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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Consensus of multi-agent systems with dynamic join characteristics under impulsive control Hu, Xiang

22 1 p. 120-133
2 Constant-gain nonlinear adaptive observers revisited: an application to chemostat systems Torres, Jorge A.

22 1 p. 68-78
3 Containment control for heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems under distributed event-triggered schemes Sun, Ya-ni

22 1 p. 107-119
4 Convergence of time-varying networks and its applications Wang, Qingling

22 1 p. 88-96
5 Derivation of the multi-model generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli filter: a solution to multi-target hybrid systems Wu, Weihua

22 1 p. 79-87
6 Distributed filtering and control of complex networks and systems Chen, Guanrong

22 1 p. 1-4
7 Finite-time formation control for first-order multi-agent systems with region constraints Yang, Zhengquan

22 1 p. 134-140
8 Freshness constraints of an age of information based event-triggered Kalman consensus filter algorithm over a wireless sensor network Wang, Rui

22 1 p. 51-67
9 Leader-following synchronization of a multi-agent system with heterogeneous delays Rehák, Branislav

22 1 p. 97-106
10 Recent advances in multisensor multitarget tracking using random finite set Da, Kai

22 1 p. 5-24
11 Recent progress on the study of distributed economic dispatch in smart grid: an overview Wen, Guanghui

22 1 p. 25-39
12 Resilient distributed economic dispatch of a cyber-power system under DoS attack Yang, Feisheng

22 1 p. 40-50
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland