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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acousmatic listening and beyond: hearing nationalistic and cosmopolitan negotiations in China’s symphonic music Yang, Hon-Lun Helan

7 2 p. 85-100
2 From wild songs to intangible cultural heritage: the heritagization of Hua’er in China Yang, Man Beryl

7 2 p. 215-230
3 Hearing the minorities in modern Chinese music Wong, Chuen-Fung

7 2 p. 117-131
4 Improvised songs of praise and group sociality in contemporary Chinese banquet culture Gibbs, Levi S.

7 2 p. 133-146
5 “Listening to China: sonic articulations of a nation”: an introduction Lau, Frederick

7 2 p. 79-84
6 Localized listening to state-sponsored heritage-making in Kam minority communities of southwestern China Ingram, Catherine

7 2 p. 169-188
7 Masculinity and Chineseness in post-1950s Hong Kong Cantonese opera Tse, Priscilla

7 2 p. 231-250
8 Megaphones hiding in trees: civic instruction via mediated soundscapes in places of natural beauty in China Tan, Shzr Ee

7 2 p. 189-214
9 Sites and sounds of national memory: performing the nation in China’s decennial National Day celebrations Kielman, Adam

7 2 p. 147-168
10 The sounds of modernity in Chinese pop music Lau, Frederick

7 2 p. 101-115
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland