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                             34 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A late Holocene record of marine high-energy events along the Atlantic coast of Morocco: new evidences from the Tahaddart estuary Khalfaoui, Otmane

7 1 artikel
2 Analyzing the disaster response competency of the local government official and the elected representative in Nepal Malla, Shrijan Bahadur

7 1 artikel
3 An extreme rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility assessment using autoencoder combined with random forest in Shimane Prefecture, Japan Nam, Kounghoon

7 1 artikel
4 An investigation of the characteristics, causes, and consequences of June 13, 2017, landslides in Rangamati District Bangladesh Abedin, Joynal

7 1 artikel
5 Application of wavelet for seismic wave analysis in Kathmandu Valley after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal Adhikari, Binod

7 1 p. 1-16
6 Assessment of the dynamics of the Volta river estuary shorelines in Ghana Appeaning Addo, K.

7 1 artikel
7 Characterization of structural failures founded on soils in Panyam and some parts of Mangu, Central Nigeria Igwe, Ogbonnaya

7 1 artikel
8 Citizen Disaster Science Education for effective disaster risk reduction in developing countries Parajuli, Rishi Ram

7 1 artikel
9 Disaster preparedness for metro projects: a social-cognitive perspective of Pakistan Abid, Muhammad

7 1 artikel
10 Dust emission source characterization for visibility hazard assessment on Lordsburg Playa in Southwestern New Mexico, USA Van Pelt, R. Scott

7 1 artikel
11 Evaluation of landslide hazard and its impacts on hilly environment of the Nilgiris District - a geospatial approach Thennavan, Edison

7 1 p. 1-14
12 Geospatial approach for assessment of vulnerability to flood in local self governments Deepak, S.

7 1 artikel
13 Geotechnical investigations of an earthquake that triggered disastrous landslides in eastern Canada about 1020 cal BP Wang, Baolin

7 1 artikel
14 GIS-based gully erosion susceptibility modeling, adapting bivariate statistical method and AHP approach in Gombe town and environs Northeast Nigeria Igwe, Ogbonnaya

7 1 artikel
15 GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping and assessment using bivariate statistical methods in Simada area, northwestern Ethiopia Mersha, Tilahun

7 1 artikel
16 GIS-based modeling of snowmelt-induced landslide susceptibility of sensitive marine clays Al-Umar, Mohammad

7 1 artikel
17 Groundwater NO3 concentration and its potential health effects in Beni Moussa perimeter (Tadla plain, Morocco) Barakat, Ahmed

7 1 artikel
18 Landslide susceptibility evaluation and hazard zonation techniques – a review Shano, Leulalem

7 1 artikel
19 Lessons from April 6, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake to enhance microzoning studies in near-field urban areas Vessia, Giovanna

7 1 artikel
20 Modelling of flowslides and debris avalanches in natural and engineered slopes: a review Cuomo, Sabatino

7 1 p. 1-25
21 Preliminary geological evidence for multiple tremors in Kwoi, Central Nigeria Goki, Nathaniel Goter

7 1 artikel
22 Relationship between seepage water volume and total suspended solids of landslide dam failure caused by seepage: an experimental investigation Dhungana, Prakash

7 1 artikel
23 Rockfall hazard in the Imja Glacial Lake, eastern Nepal Khatiwada, Durga

7 1 artikel
24 Role of organizations in preparedness and emergency response to flood disaster in Bangladesh Hossain, Babul

7 1 artikel
25 Sea-level inundation and risk assessment along the south and southwest coasts of Sri Lanka Palamakumbure, Lakshika

7 1 artikel
26 Shallow crustal earthquake models, damage, and loss predictions in Banda Aceh, Indonesia Rusydy, Ibnu

7 1 artikel
27 Sliding layer estimation of shallow landslides on Aso volcanic mountains in Japan based on tephra layer-physical properties of soil Istiyanti, Mega Lia

7 1 artikel
28 Slope mass rating-based analysis to assess rockfall hazard on Yogyakarta Southern Mountain, Indonesia Triana, Karlina

7 1 artikel
29 Spatial and temporal drought incidence analysis in the northeastern highlands of Ethiopia Mekonen, Abebe Arega

7 1 artikel
30 Study of desertification sensitivity in Talh region (Central Tunisia) using remote sensing, G.I.S. and the M.E.D.A.L.U.S. approach Bedoui, Chokri

7 1 artikel
31 The assessment of quantitative risk to road users from debris flow Winter, M. G.

7 1 artikel
32 The distribution of soil morphological characteristics for landslide-impacted Sumbing Volcano, Central Java - Indonesia Noviyanto, Amir

7 1 artikel
33 Topographic influence on landslides characteristics and implication for risk management in upper Manafwa catchment, Mt Elgon Uganda Nakileza, B. R.

7 1 artikel
34 Towards integrated assessments of water risks in deglaciating mountain areas: water scarcity and GLOF risk in the Peruvian Andes Motschmann, Alina

7 1 artikel
                             34 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland