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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 E-content development of English language courses during COVID-19: a comprehensive analysis of students’ satisfaction Khojasteh, Laleh

10 1 p. 107-133
2 Exploring the role of sociability, sense of community and course satisfaction on students' engagement in flipped classroom supported by facebook groups Yılmaz, Fatma Gizem Karaoğlan

10 1 p. 135-162
3 Instructional techniques and tools reported as being used by teachers within empirical research focusing on in-class digital ability development: a literature review Bolaños, Fernando

10 1 p. 57-81
4 Mediated transfer: impact on programming misconceptions Žanko, Žana

10 1 p. 1-26
5 Narrative inquiry for CALL teacher preparation programs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: language teachers’ technological needs and suggestions Tafazoli, Dara

10 1 p. 163-187
6 Systematic review on mobile collaborative learning for engineering education Peramunugamage, Anuradha

10 1 p. 83-106
7 The potentiality of computer-based feedback in fostering EFL learners’ writing performance, self-regulation ability, and self-efficacy beliefs Sherafati, Narjis

10 1 p. 27-55
8 What happens to your body during learning with computer-based environments? Exploring negative academic emotions using psychophysiological measurements Huber, Kerstin

10 1 p. 189-215
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland