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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ambiguity in utopian XR-games Höhl, Wolfgang

11 1 artikel
2 Curtailing political short-termism in legislatures: a trade-off between influence and institutionalization? Koskimaa, Vesa

11 1 artikel
3 Futures literacy in collaborative foresight networks: advancing sustainable shipbuilding Jokinen, Leena

11 1 artikel
4 Possible future scenarios of the general health social security system in Colombia for the year 2033 Aguilar, Pedro Leon Cruz

11 1 artikel
5 The determinants of a resilient food system for Finland in the 2020s—three opinion polls for improvements based on a Delphi study among food system experts Rikkonen, Pasi

11 1 artikel
6 The Mammoth prophecies: a role-playing game on controversies around a socio-technical innovation and its effects on students’ capacities to think about the future Dayé, Christian

11 1 artikel
7 Toward computer-supported semi-automated timelines of future events Lyra, Alan de Oliveira

11 1 artikel
8 Transformation through (re-)politicisation of socio-technical futures: how cultural semiotics can improve transformative vision assessment Dobroć, Paulina

11 1 artikel
9 Using corporate foresight to enhance strategic management practices Demneh, Mohsen Taheri

11 1 artikel
10 What’s next in hospital digitization? A Delphi-based scenario study Koebe, Philipp

11 1 artikel
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland