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1 Physiotherapie in der Schmerzmedizin - Physiotherapy in pain medicine. Further treatment after a multimodal pain therapy program Dean, Elisabeth
159 supplement-7 p. 18-25
2 Schlaganfallprophylaxe bei Vorhofflimmern in Deutschland - Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in Germany. Situational analysis of treatment reality based on retrospective data Mergenthaler, Ulrike
159 supplement-7 p. 26-32
3 Therapeutische Modulation der Darmmikrobiota beim Reizdarmsyndrom - Therapeutic modulation of intestinal microbiota in irritable bowel syndrome. From probiotics to fecal microbiota therapy Konturek, P. C.
159 supplement-7 p. 1-5
4 Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Methocarbamol bei muskulär bedingten subakuten Kreuz-/Rückenschmerzen - Real-life efficacy and tolerability of methocarbamol in patients suffering from refractory muscle-related low/back pain — Results of a health care research project based on data from the German pain practice registry Überall, Michael A.
159 supplement-7 p. 6-17
                             4 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands