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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Tale of Two Equations Ludi Vitae or Motus Vita? Liu, Chuang

13 3 p. 337-355
2 China’s Party Training Programs in South Africa: A Quest for Political Alignment Herman, Fanie

13 3 p. 437-451
3 Framing Shaping Outcomes: Issues Related to Mitigation in the UNFCCC Negotiations Sorkar, M. N. I.

13 3 p. 375-394
4 Interrogating Naturalness of National Identity Mishra, Manoj Kumar

13 3 p. 315-335
5 Male Homosexuality and Foxes in Ji Yun’s Zhiguai Collection Tales of the Thatched Cottage Whyke, Thomas William

13 3 p. 357-374
6 The Public Sphere in Modern China: Forms, Functions and Self-Understandings—A Case Study of Shanghai Xu, Jilin

13 3 p. 413-435
7 The Relationship Between the Good and the Right in the Context of Chinese Philosophy Liu, Qingping

13 3 p. 301-314
8 What’s the Deal? Trump, Fichte’s Closed Commercial State, and the Perverse Dialectic of Neoliberal Risk Adler, Anthony Curtis

13 3 p. 395-412
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland