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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Theoretical Framework for Demystifying the Causes of Dysfunction and Disorder in the Chinese Market Economy: A Weberian Perspective Jim, Huangnan Shen

13 2 p. 259-275
2 Defying the Court: A Spatial Analysis of the Central–Local Government Relationship During the Boxer Uprising (1900–1901) Liu, Fang

13 2 p. 277-300
3 Fighting Financial Crime: Who Designs Global Governance and Who Does The Work? Tsingou, Eleni

13 2 p. 169-179
4 Measuring (Transnational) Organized Crime as an Indicator of Global Justice Dugato, Marco

13 2 p. 211-231
5 Responsibility for Increasing Mitigation Ambition in Light of the Right to Sustainable Development Moellendorf, Darrel

13 2 p. 181-192
6 Rethinking UN Peacekeeping Burden-Sharing in a Time of Global Disorder Boutellis, Arthur

13 2 p. 193-209
7 The Engaged Spectator: Reading BL Novels in Contemporary China Lin, Xi

13 2 p. 233-257
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland