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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advanced glycation end products and allergy Toda, Masako

32 7 p. 296-301
2 Anti-allergen monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of allergies Pengo, Niccolo

32 7 p. 289-295
3 Cyclophilins and gibberellin-regulated proteins in IgE-mediated allergic diseases Potapova, Ekaterina

32 7 p. 280-288
4 Molecular engineering of nanobodies as tools in allergology: diagnostics and beyond Baunvig Aagaard, Josephine

32 7 p. 240-250
5 The Molecular Allergology User’s Guide 2.0: Update on relevant new content Hilger, Christiane

32 7 p. 233-239
6 Update on oral and epicutaneous immunotherapy for children with food allergy Miura, Yoko

32 7 p. 269-279
7 Vegan diet—alternative protein sources as potential allergy risk Jappe, Uta

32 7 p. 251-257
8 What inhalant allergens can do and not do?—The cooperation of allergens and their source in Th2 polarization and allergic sensitization Grosse-Kathoefer, Sophie

32 7 p. 258-268
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland