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                             5 results found
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1 “Adrenaline junkie”: a case report of repeated use of epinephrine Salvati, Lorenzo

32 2 p. 49-52
2 In silico investigation for drug-like pharmacophores against food allergen profilins Singh, Bhupender

32 2 p. 38-46
3 Sensitisation profile of Chinese allergic rhinitis patients and effectiveness of a joint allergy-ENT clinic Hui, Harris K. S.

32 2 p. 29-37
4 Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) pollen—a possible new source of sensitization in Central Europe Werchan, Matthias

32 2 p. 53-55
5 Two severe perioperative hypersensitivity reactions in a single patient—a case report of a medication error Mikulic, Iva

32 2 p. 47-48
                             5 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands