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                             32 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alignment between vertical and horizontal coordination for food quality and safety in Indonesian vegetable chains Widadie, Fanny

10 1 artikel
2 Analysis of long-term prices of micronutrient-dense and starchy staple foods in developing countries Alioma, Richard

10 1 artikel
3 Are there bubbles in the vanilla price? Khan, Khalid

10 1 artikel
4 Can new healthy luxury food products accelerate short food supply chain formation via social media marketing in high-income countries? Wiedenroth, Christoph F.

10 1 artikel
5 Can producer groups improve technical efficiency among artisanal shrimpers in Nigeria? A study accounting for observed and unobserved selectivity Adetoyinbo, Ayobami

10 1 artikel
6 Capacity utilization, factor substitution, and productivity growth in Canadian food processing sector Gamtessa, Samuel

10 1 artikel
7 Caprine milk as a source of income for women instead of a taboo: a comparative analysis of the implication of women in the caprine and bovine value chains in Fatick, Senegal Habanabakize, Ernest

10 1 artikel
8 Consumer preferences for wild game meat: evidence from a hybrid choice model on wild boar meat in Italy Fantechi, Tommaso

10 1 artikel
9 Correction to: Are there bubbles in the vanilla price? Khan, Khalid

10 1 artikel
10 Disentangling institutions: a challenge Ménard, Claude

10 1 artikel
11 Does online food shopping boost dietary diversity? Application of an endogenous switching model with a count outcome variable Ma, Wanglin

10 1 artikel
12 Drivers of fish choice: an exploratory analysis in Mediterranean countries Saidi, A.

10 1 artikel
13 Effects of sustainable agricultural practices on farm income and food security in northern Ghana Setsoafia, Edinam Dope

10 1 artikel
14 Exploring the effects of increasing underutilized crops on consumers’ diets: the case of millet in Uganda Revoredo-Giha, Cesar

10 1 artikel
15 Growing couch potatoes? The impact of COVID-19 in the light of personal values in Hungary Szente, Viktória

10 1 artikel
16 Impacts of farmer cooperative membership on household income and inequality: Evidence from a household survey in China Zou, Yang

10 1 artikel
17 Influence of social status, physical activity, and socio-demographics on willingness to pay for a basket of organic foods Knaggs, Julia

10 1 artikel
18 Institutional contributions to agricultural producer price stability Loginova, Daria

10 1 artikel
19 Leveraging farm production diversity for dietary diversity: evidence from national level panel data Khandoker, Sayla

10 1 artikel
20 Market outlet choices for African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs): a socio-economic analysis of farmers in Zambia Arumugam, Surendran

10 1 artikel
21 Nonfarm activity and market participation by farmers in Ghana Nkegbe, Paul Kwame

10 1 artikel
22 Post-lockdown changes in diet in Italy and the USA: Return to old habits or structural changes? Scozzafava, Gabriele

10 1 artikel
23 Public perception of ecosystem and social services produced by Sardinia extensive dairy sheep farming systems Madau, Fabio A.

10 1 artikel
24 Rasch analysis of consumer attitudes towards the mountain product label Bassi, Ivana

10 1 artikel
25 Russian meat price transmission and policy interventions in 2014 Loginova, Daria

10 1 artikel
26 Spatial market integration of rice in Bangladesh in the presence of transaction cost Alam, Mohammad Jahangir

10 1 artikel
27 Structural change in the dairy sector: exit from farming and farm type change Zorn, Alexander

10 1 artikel
28 The cost of healthier and more sustainable food choices: Do plant-based consumers spend more on food? Pais, Daniel Francisco

10 1 artikel
29 The leading role of perception: the FACOPA model to comprehend innovation adoption Vecchio, Yari

10 1 artikel
30 The long way to innovation adoption: insights from precision agriculture Masi, Margherita

10 1 artikel
31 The multi-actor approach in thematic networks for agriculture and forestry innovation Feo, Elena

10 1 artikel
32 The role of policy actions to accelerate food consumer behaviour change Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica

10 1 artikel
                             32 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland