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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A regularity theory for stochastic generalized Burgers’ equation driven by a multiplicative space-time white noise Han, Beom-Seok

11 3 p. 1123-1163
2 Asymptotic of the smallest eigenvalues of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in d≤3 Hsu, Yueh-Sheng

11 3 p. 1089-1122
3 Averaging principle and normal deviations for multi-scale stochastic hyperbolic–parabolic equations Röckner, Michael

11 3 p. 869-907
4 Exact targeting of gibbs distributions using velocity-jump processes Monmarché, Pierre

11 3 p. 908-947
5 Interpolating the stochastic heat and wave equations with time-independent noise: solvability and exact asymptotics Chen, Le

11 3 p. 1203-1253
6 L2-theory for transition semigroups associated to dissipative systems Bignamini, D. A.

11 3 p. 988-1043
7 Optimal decay of the parabolic semigroup in stochastic homogenization for correlated coefficient fields Clozeau, Nicolas

11 3 p. 1254-1378
8 Some approximation results for mild solutions of stochastic fractional order evolution equations driven by Gaussian noise Fahim, K.

11 3 p. 1044-1088
9 The cutoff phenomenon for the stochastic heat and wave equation subject to small Lévy noise Barrera, Gerardo

11 3 p. 1164-1202
10 Two dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with spatial white noise potential and fourth order nonlinearity Tzvetkov, N.

11 3 p. 948-987
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland