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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 About long period sequences Fomichev, V. M.

18 3 p. 205-213
2 An approach to dynamic malware analysis based on system and application code split Pereberina, Anastasia

18 3 p. 231-241
3 An efficient IDS in cloud environment using feature selection based on DM algorithm Ghosh, Partha

18 3 p. 243-258
4 Attacking TrustZone on devices lacking memory protection Stajnrod, Ron

18 3 p. 259-269
5 Detection and robustness evaluation of android malware classifiers Anupama, M. L.

18 3 p. 147-170
6 2Faces: a new model of malware based on dynamic compiling and reflection Casolare, Rosangela

18 3 p. 215-230
7 Metamorphic malware detection using structural features and nonnegative matrix factorization with hidden markov model Ling, Yeong Tyng

18 3 p. 183-203
8 Partially identified Babassu cipher and attack on it Babash, A. V.

18 3 p. 271-274
9 Role based access control using identity and broadcast based encryption for securing cloud data Saxena, Urvashi Rahul

18 3 p. 171-182
10 XOR ciphers model and the attack to it Babash, A. V.

18 3 p. 275-283
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland