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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Association of Morning Surge and Postexercise Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Recovery Akbay, Ertan

29 3 p. 253-261
2 Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Control and Associated Factors Among Adults with Hypertension at Three Public Hospitals in Southern Ethiopia Sorato, Mende Mensa

29 3 p. 287-304
3 Combination Therapy with CCBs and RAS Inhibitors to Counteract Endothelial Dysfunction in COVID-19 Kow, Chia Siang

29 3 p. 313-314
4 Contemporary Management of Stable Coronary Artery Disease Bertolone, Dario Tino

29 3 p. 207-219
5 Correction to: Stage 2 Hypertension and Electrocardiogram Abnormality: Evaluating the Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases in Nigeria Chinedu, Shalom Nwodo

29 3 p. 315-317
6 COVID-19 Vaccination in Hemodialysis Patients Correspondence Mungmunpuntipantip, Rujittika

29 3 p. 311
7 DiffErenCes in AntihypertenSive Drug Blood Levels in Patients with HypertensiON (DECISION): Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study Comparing Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Between Young and Elderly Patients Hassan, Dimokrat

29 3 p. 239-243
8 Effectiveness of Physical Activity and Exercise on Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Adults with Resistant Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Dassanayake, Suranga

29 3 p. 275-286
9 Efficacy of Single-Pill, Triple Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Habboush, Shady

29 3 p. 245-252
10 Hypertension and Dyslipidemia Combined Therapeutic Approaches Borghi, Claudio

29 3 p. 221-230
11 “Medical Assistance in Contextual Awareness” (AMICO): A Project for a Better Quality of Care for Patients in Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit Conte, Maurizio

29 3 p. 305-309
12 New Evidence About Aortic Valve Stenosis and Cardiovascular Hemodynamics Mancusi, Costantino

29 3 p. 231-237
13 Serum Malondialdehyde Levels in Hypertensive Patients: A Non-invasive Marker of Oxidative Stress. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Zuin, Marco

29 3 p. 263-273
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland