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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Authors’ Reply to Robert P. Giugliano and Colleagues’ Comment on: “Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Interstitial Lung Disease: Emerging Clues from Pharmacovigilance” Raschi, Emanuel

44 4 p. 505-506
2 Comment on: “Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Interstitial Lung Disease: Emerging Clues from Pharmacovigilance” Giugliano, Robert P.

44 4 p. 503-504
3 Communicating About Risks and Safe Use of Medicines Edwards, I. Ralph

44 4 p. 499-501
4 Comparative Risk Assessment of Severe Uterine Bleeding Following Exposure to Direct Oral Anticoagulants: A Network Study Across Four Observational Databases in the USA Weaver, James

44 4 p. 479-497
5 Correction to: Assessing the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Primer Petousis-Harris, Helen

44 4 p. 507
6 Correction to: 19th ISoP Annual Meeting “New Opportunities for New Generations” Bogotá, Colombia, 26–29 October, 2019
44 4 p. 509
7 Evaluation of the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease after the HPV Vaccination in Primary Care in Spain: A Time-Varying Cohort Analysis of Around 390,000 Girls Martín-Merino, Elisa

44 4 p. 455-466
8 French Pharmacovigilance Public System and COVID-19 Pandemic Grandvuillemin, Aurélie

44 4 p. 405-408
9 ISoP Fellowships: Recognising and Promoting Leaders in Pharmacovigilance McCarthy, Deirdre

44 4 p. 403-404
10 Provision and Need for Medicine Information in Asia and Africa: A Scoping Review of the Literature Nualdaisri, Pitchaya

44 4 p. 421-437
11 Real-World Fetal Exposure to Acne Treatments in the United States: A Retrospective Analysis from 2006 to 2015 Albogami, Yasser

44 4 p. 447-454
12 Risk Management for the 21st Century: Current Status and Future Needs Mouchantaf, Rania

44 4 p. 409-419
13 Safety Consequences of Off-Label Drugs Used for COVID-19 Dasgupta, Nabarun

44 4 p. 399-402
14 Safety of As-Needed Budesonide-Formoterol in Mild Asthma: Data from the Two Phase III SYGMA Studies FitzGerald, J. Mark

44 4 p. 467-478
15 The DIANA Study: Continued Access to Darunavir/Ritonavir (DRV/r) and Long-Term Safety Follow-Up in HIV-1-Infected Pediatric Patients Aged 3 to < 18 Years Violari, Avy

44 4 p. 439-446
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland