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                             37 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Comparison Among Microperimetry, Standard Automated Perimetry and Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in the Evaluation of the Macula in Glaucoma Eyes with Hemifield Defects Tian, Tian

11 1 p. 239-248
2 Aesthetic Correction of Mild-to-Moderate Blepharoptosis Among Asians: The Bridge Technique Shen, Yirui

11 1 p. 151-160
3 A One-Week Course of Levofloxacin/Dexamethasone Eye Drops: A Review on a New Approach in Managing Patients After Cataract Surgery Rizzo, Stanislao

11 1 p. 101-111
4 A Response to: Letter to the Editor Regarding “Agreement Between Trend-Based and Qualitative Analysis of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness for Glaucoma Progression on Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography” Thompson, Atalie C.

11 1 p. 463-464
5 Association of the HtrA1 rs11200638 Polymorphism with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Indonesia Supanji, Supanji

11 1 p. 125-133
6 A Systematic Review on the Association Between Tear Film Metrics and Higher Order Aberrations in Dry Eye Disease and Treatment Rhee, Jess

11 1 p. 35-67
7 Characterization of One-Year Progression of Risk Phenotypes of Diabetic Retinopathy Ribeiro, Luísa

11 1 p. 333-345
8 Choroidal Modifications Preceding the Onset of Macular Neovascularization in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Arrigo, Alessandro

11 1 p. 377-386
9 Classification of Presbyopia by Severity McDonald, Marguerite B.

11 1 p. 1-11
10 Clinical Experience in Patients with Ocular Burns Treated with Boston Type I Keratoprosthesis Implantation with or Without Prophylactic Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Implantation Gu, Jianjun

11 1 p. 421-434
11 Comparison Between Ranibizumab Biosimilar, Innovator Ranibizumab and Bevacizumab in a Real-World Situation Ratra, Dhanashree

11 1 p. 135-149
12 Comparison of Long-Term Effects After Modified CO2 Laser-Assisted Deep Sclerectomy and Conventional Trabeculectomy in Chinese Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Zhang, Yang

11 1 p. 321-331
13 Confidence of UK Ophthalmology Registrars in Managing Posterior Capsular Rupture: Results from a National Trainee Survey Swampillai, Andrew J.

11 1 p. 225-237
14 Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss After PRESERFLO™ MicroShunt Implantation in the Anterior Chamber: Anterior Segment OCT Tube Location as a Risk Factor Ibarz-Barberá, Marta

11 1 p. 293-310
15 Correction to: Classification of Presbyopia by Severity McDonald, Marguerite B.

11 1 p. 13-14
16 Differences in Axial Length and IOL Power Based on Alternative A-Scan or Fellow-Eye Biometry in Macula-Off Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Eyes Liu, Rui

11 1 p. 347-354
17 Dose Uniformity of Loteprednol Etabonate (Submicron) Ophthalmic Gel 0.38% Compared with Prednisolone Acetate Ophthalmic Suspension 1% Marlowe, Zora T.

11 1 p. 435-441
18 Early-Onset Posterior Capsule Opacification: Incidence, Severity, and Risk Factors Gu, Xiaoxun

11 1 p. 113-123
19 Effect of a Novel Thermostatic Device on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Chinese Patients Li, Siyuan

11 1 p. 261-270
20 Efficacy of Large Optic Intraocular Lenses in Myopic Eyes with Posterior Segment Pathology Borkenstein, Andreas F.

11 1 p. 443-452
21 Efficacy of 0.19 mg Fluocinolone Acetonide Implant in Non-infectious Posterior Uveitis Evaluated as Area Under the Curve Battista, Marco

11 1 p. 215-224
22 Evaluation of Adverse Effects of Topical Glaucoma Medications on Trabeculectomy Outcomes Using the Glaucoma Medications Intensity Index Wong, Jasper Ka Wai

11 1 p. 387-401
23 Eye Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Report on Patients’ Perceptions and Experiences, an Asian Perspective Low, Rebecca

11 1 p. 403-419
24 Five-Year Follow-Up of Visual Outcomes and Optical Quality After Small Incision Lenticule Extraction for Moderate and High Myopia Tian, Mi

11 1 p. 355-363
25 Intravitreal Corticosteroid Implantation in Diabetic Macular Edema: Updated European Consensus Guidance on Monitoring and Managing Intraocular Pressure Goñi, Francisco J.

11 1 p. 15-34
26 Letter to the Editor Regarding: “Agreement Between Trend-Based and Qualitative Analysis of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness for Glaucoma Progression on Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography” Hwang, Young Hoon

11 1 p. 459-461
27 Management of Post-LASIK Dry Eye with Intense Pulsed Light in Combination with 0.1% Sodium Hyaluronate and Heated Eye Mask Wu, Yi

11 1 p. 161-176
28 Measurement of the Lid Margin Thickness in Meibomian Gland Dysfunction with Vernier Micrometer Zhu, Hua-Ying

11 1 p. 177-186
29 Ocular Surface Preparation Before Keratoprosthesis Implantation Krysik, Katarzyna

11 1 p. 249-259
30 One-Year Efficacy and Safety of Proton-Beam Irradiation Combined with Intravitreal Conbercept for Refractory or Recurrent Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy: A Pilot Study Guo, Jingli

11 1 p. 187-199
31 Refractive Outcomes for Combined Phacoemulsification and Glaucoma Drainage Procedure Mehta, Rajvi

11 1 p. 311-320
32 Retinal Vein Occlusion Following Two Doses of mRNA-1237 (Moderna) Immunization for SARS-Cov-2: A Case Report Sacconi, Riccardo

11 1 p. 453-458
33 Standalone Implantation of 2–3 Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stents (iStent inject ± iStent) as an Alternative to Trabeculectomy for Moderate-to-Severe Glaucoma Paletta Guedes, Ricardo Augusto

11 1 p. 271-292
34 The Effect of Periocular Negative Pressure Application on Intraocular and Retrobulbar Pressure in Human Cadaver Eyes Shafer, Brian

11 1 p. 365-376
35 The Efficacy and Safety of YAG Laser Vitreolysis for Symptomatic Vitreous Floaters of Complete PVD or Non-PVD Lin, Tiezhu

11 1 p. 201-214
36 The Eye of the Storm: COVID-19 Vaccination and the Eye Ng, Xin Le

11 1 p. 81-100
37 Translating the Machine: Skills that Human Clinicians Must Develop in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Aslam, Tariq M.

11 1 p. 69-80
                             37 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland