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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Bayesian Approach to Light Curve Inversion of 2020 SO Campbell, Tanner

69 1 p. 95-119
2 Closed Loop Guidance During Close Range Rendezvous in a Three Body Problem Galullo, Michele

69 1 p. 28-50
3 “Comments on a Paper of Idrisi, Ullah and Sikkandhar (Effect of Perturbations in Coriolis and Centrifugal Forces on Libration Points in the Restricted Six-Body Problem: JAS (2021) 68:4-25)” Elipe, A.

69 1 p. 77-79
4 Effects of Tow Parameters on Dynamic Behaviors of Beam-type Orbital Debris Hu, Weipeng

69 1 p. 80-94
5 Identifying Radiation Induced Spectroscopic Changes in Polyimide Materials Engelhart, Daniel P.

69 1 p. 164-174
6 Motivation and Concept for Improved Laboratory Simulation of Space Electron Fluxes Bengtson, Miles T.

69 1 p. 149-163
7 Near-Simultaneous Observations of a Geosynchronous Satellite Using Two Telescopes and Multiple Optical Filters Albrecht, Ethan M.

69 1 p. 120-138
8 PROCYON Mission Reanalysis: Low-Thrust Asteroid Flyby Trajectory Design leveraging Convex Programming Ozaki, Naoya

69 1 p. 1-27
9 Real Time Deconvolution of Adaptive Optics Ground Based Telescope Imagery Sanders, Toby

69 1 p. 175-191
10 Spectral Characteristics of GEO Satellite Arcing – 300 To 350 MHz Ferguson, Dale C.

69 1 p. 139-148
11 Tumbling Small Body Spin State Estimation Using Independently Simulated Images Olson, Corwin

69 1 p. 51-76
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland