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                             39 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A deep learning approach for nucleus segmentation and tumor classification from lung histopathological images Jaisakthi, S. M.

12 1 artikel
2 A diagnosis model for detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy using deep learning Syed, Saba Raoof

12 1 artikel
3 Advancements and emerging trends in brain tumor classification using MRI: a systematic review Dixit, Asmita

12 1 artikel
4 A modified kNN algorithm to detect Parkinson’s disease Indu, Richa

12 1 artikel
5 Analysis of cortisol mechanism to predict common genes between PCOS and its co-morbidities Rajalakshmi, V. Vidhya

12 1 artikel
6 An application of optimal control in medical systems: optimal investment strategy in doctors Akan, Mustafa

12 1 artikel
7 An exhaustive review of computational prediction techniques for PPI sites, protein locations, and protein functions Bhat, Prajna

12 1 artikel
8 An improved cost-sensitive approach toward the selection of wart treatment methods Mishra, Abinash

12 1 artikel
9 A subunit vaccine against pneumonia: targeting Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae Rafi, Md. Oliullah

12 1 artikel
10 Automatic classification of depressive users on Twitter including temporal analysis García-Noguez, Luis Roberto

12 1 artikel
11 Classifying schizophrenic and controls from fMRI data using graph theoretic framework and community detection Nallusamy, Kalaichelvi

12 1 artikel
12 COVID-19 and pneumonia diagnosis from chest X-ray images using convolutional neural networks Hariri, Muhab

12 1 artikel
13 COVID-19 lag time and case fatality rate calculation tool, as well as a tool to identify when policymakers made mistakes Takefuji, Yoshiyasu

12 1 artikel
14 Deciphering the lysine acetylation pattern of leptospiral strains by in silico approach Vaghasia, Vibhisha

12 1 artikel
15 Development of a cerebral aneurysm segmentation method to prevent sentinel hemorrhage Regaya, Yousra

12 1 artikel
16 Development of artificial neural network models to predict the PAMPA effective permeability of new, orally administered drugs active against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Gousiadou, Chrysoula

12 1 artikel
17 Discrete-event simulation and exploratory analysis of network epidemiological models Alfas, Muhammad

12 1 artikel
18 Efficient RIEV: a novel framework for the prediction of breast cancer cases using ensemble machine learning Sharma, Akriti

12 1 artikel
19 Epidemic dynamics in census-calibrated modular contact network Jain, Kirti

12 1 artikel
20 Galangin for COVID-19 and Mucormycosis co-infection: a potential therapeutic strategy of targeting critical host signal pathways triggered by SARS-CoV-2 and Mucormycosis Hasan, Md. Imran

12 1 artikel
21 Genome annotation and comparative functional analysis of genomic islands in Bordetella pertussis Tohama I, Bordetella parapertussis 12822, and Bordetella bronchiseptica RB50 genomes Sharn, Hari Om

12 1 artikel
22 Global protein interactome of Deinococcus deserti reveals their strategies for radiation resistance Nayak, Tilak

12 1 artikel
23 Human DNA/RNA motif mining using deep-learning methods: a scoping review Chaurasia, Rajashree

12 1 artikel
24 Immunoinformatics design of multi-epitope peptide-based vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae strain using cell division protein AlChalabi, Rawaa

12 1 artikel
25 IR-CNN: Inception residual network for detecting kidney abnormalities from CT images Asif, Sohaib

12 1 artikel
26 Machine learning-based telemedicine framework to prioritize remote patients with multi-chronic diseases for emergency healthcare services Kadum, Sara Yahya

12 1 artikel
27 Mathematical model of the tumor cells’ population growth Namdev, Nishant

12 1 artikel
28 Mobile health applications for self-management in chronic lung disease: a systematic review Quach, Shirley

12 1 artikel
29 Modeling methods and the degree of parameter uncertainty in probabilistic analyses of economic evaluations Xie, Xuanqian

12 1 artikel
30 Molecule generation toward target protein (SARS-CoV-2) using reinforcement learning-based graph neural network via knowledge graph Ranjan, Amit

12 1 artikel
31 Neural network-based strategies for automatically diagnosing of COVID-19 from X-ray images utilizing different feature extraction algorithms Prity, Farida Siddiqi

12 1 artikel
32 Optimal control of a two-group malaria transmission model with vaccination Tchoumi, S. Y.

12 1 artikel
33 Policy analysis and data mining tools for controlling COVID-19 policies Takefuji, Yoshiyasu

12 1 artikel
34 Predicting drug-resistant miRNAs in cancer Kundu, Amrita

12 1 artikel
35 Prioritization of the factors affecting the performance of clinical laboratories using the AHP and ANP techniques Eriş, Müjgan Bilge

12 1 artikel
36 Structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein variants through graph embedding Guzzi, Pietro Hiram

12 1 artikel
37 Temporal networks in biology and medicine: a survey on models, algorithms, and tools Hosseinzadeh, Mohammad Mehdi

12 1 artikel
38 Transcriptional expression and prognostic roles of MCM7 in human bladder, breast, and lung cancers: a multi-omics analysis Samad, Abdus

12 1 artikel
39 Using nonlinear analysis and neural network to classify bipolar I disorder electroencephalogram signals from normal electroencephalograms Ma, Junfeng

12 1 artikel
                             39 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland