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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aquaculture’s offshore frontier: learning from the Canadian courts on ocean grabbing, ocean privatization, and property as process Knott, Christine

23 1 artikel
2 Bridging the gap: enhancing socio-ecological resilience by breaking the debt cycle among small-scale hilsa fishers in Bangladesh Mozumder, Mohammad Mojibul Hoque

23 1 artikel
3 Enacting food system transformation through the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines Smith, Hillary

23 1 artikel
4 Introductory commentary: Marine conflicts and pathways to sustainability in an era of Blue Growth and climate change Saunders, Fred

23 1 artikel
5 Marine spatial planning: a systematic literature review on its concepts, approaches, and tools (2004–2020) Rafael, Teresa

23 1 artikel
6 Prospects of equitable and sustainable seaweed aquaculture: a case study of changing gender and socio-economic relations in Maullín, Chile Fernández, Gloria L. Gallardo

23 1 artikel
7 The multi-dimensional perspectives of taboos on gender roles of fisherfolk in the Global South Oloko, Ayodele

23 1 artikel
8 To mine or not to mine the deep seabed? Hvinden, Ida Soltvedt

23 1 artikel
9 What can sea-related associations reveal about a coastal region’s maritimity? A case study in southern France Robert, Samuel

23 1 artikel
10 Why women from fishing communities in Andalusia (Spain) not enlist on fishing vessels? Socio-economic and ideological factors of their non-recognition and initiatives for their inclusion Álvarez, Natalia Mora

23 1 artikel
11 Women’s experiences of participatory small-scale fisheries monitoring in Timor-Leste House, Jenny

23 1 artikel
12 Working seagrasses: emerging coastal ethics in the Mexican Caribbean Otto, Laura

23 1 artikel
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland