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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessing the role of information and communication technologies in responding to ‘slavery scandals’ Marschke, Melissa

19 4 p. 419-428
2 Commentary on ‘Life Above Water’—MARE Conference keynote by Svein Jentoft Mbatha, Philile

19 4 p. 407-409
3 Disaggregating illegal fishing losses for the 22 countries of the West African Coast Petrossian, Gohar A.

19 4 p. 445-455
4 From I to we in small-scale fisheries communities Jentoft, Svein

19 4 p. 413-417
5 Gleaning: beyond the subsistence narrative Grantham, Ruby

19 4 p. 509-524
6 Life above water: small-scale fisheries as a human experience Jentoft, Svein

19 4 p. 389-397
7 Moving within and beyond illegal crustacean fishery: why do Indonesian fishermen not comply with the crustacean catch ban rule? Saputra, Merdeka Agus

19 4 p. 457-473
8 Nudging statutory law to make space for customary processes and community-based fisheries management in Solomon Islands Schwarz, Anne-Maree

19 4 p. 475-487
9 Participatory governance in Lake Victoria (Kenya) fisheries: whose voices are heard? Etiegni, Christine Adhiambo

19 4 p. 489-507
10 Performing possibilities for community in small-scale fisheries Campbell, Lisa M.

19 4 p. 399-401
11 Remote sensing of fish-processing in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest, Bangladesh: an insight into the modern slavery-environment nexus in the coastal fringe Jackson, Bethany

19 4 p. 429-444
12 Rethinking fishing communities to safeguard life above water Karnad, Divya

19 4 p. 405-406
13 Small scale fisheries and the community: an alternative perspective Symes, David

19 4 p. 403-404
14 Taking social theory and communities seriously: contributions of Svein Jentoft McCay, Bonnie J.

19 4 p. 411-412
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland