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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A critical turn in marine spatial planning Flannery, Wesley

19 3 p. 223-228
2 A “learning paradox” in maritime spatial planning Keijser, Xander

19 3 p. 333-346
3 Assembling marine spatial planning in the global south: International agencies and the fate of fishing communities in India Karnad, Divya

19 3 p. 375-387
4 Assessing marine spatial planning governmentality Flannery, Wesley

19 3 p. 269-284
5 Bringing ‘Deep Knowledge’ of Fisheries into Marine Spatial Planning Said, Alicia

19 3 p. 347-357
6 Does marine planning enable progress towards adaptive governance in marine systems? Lessons from Scotland’s regional marine planning process Greenhill, L.

19 3 p. 299-315
7 Effective integration and integrative capacity in marine spatial planning Vince, Joanna

19 3 p. 317-332
8 Measured as the water flows: the striated and smooth in marine spatial planning Jay, Stephen

19 3 p. 255-268
9 Regulating oceanic imaginaries: the legal construction of space, identities, relations and epistemological hierarchies within marine spatial planning Ntona, Mara

19 3 p. 241-254
10 The portal is the plan: governing US oceans in regional assemblages Campbell, Lisa M.

19 3 p. 285-297
11 The whence and whither of marine spatial planning: revisiting the social reconstruction of the marine environment in the UK Ritchie, Heather

19 3 p. 229-240
12 Uncharted territories in tropical seas? Marine scaping and the interplay of reflexivity and information Toonen, Hilde M.

19 3 p. 359-374
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland