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                             43 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new CHD2 variant: not only severe epilepsy—a case report Piccolo, Benedetta

122 6 p. 1653-1656
2 Association between plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease in Chinese patients Xu, Qi

122 6 p. 1557-1566
3 Clinical features of definite vestibular migraine through the lens of central sensitization: a cross-sectional study Toriyama, Toshihide

122 6 p. 1511-1519
4 Coexistence of Becker muscular dystrophy and HLA-B27 positive spondyloarthritis Uslu, Sadettin

122 6 p. 1589-1590
5 Eating-induced electroclinical and electrographical seizures in a child Yılmaz, Kutluhan

122 6 p. 1607-1609
6 Endovascular treatment of posterior inferior cerebellar artery trunk aneurysm Hou, Kun

122 6 p. 1405-1417
7 Epidemiology, clinical features, and treatment modalities of facial nerve palsy in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review Turki, Aya

122 6 p. 1419-1432
8 Evaluation of clinical and electroencephalographic findings in patients with early childhood epilepsy and inborn errors of metabolism Celik, Halil

122 6 p. 1575-1581
9 Evaluation of inflammatory acquired demyelinating syndromes in children: a single-center experience Kilic, Huseyin

122 6 p. 1485-1491
10 Expanding phenotype of ATP1A3 mutation Cherian, Ajith

122 6 p. 1615-1617
11 Exploring the genetic etiology of drug-resistant epilepsy: incorporation of exome sequencing into practice Mahdiannasser, Mojdeh

122 6 p. 1457-1468
12 Extensor plantar response elicited by neck extension Estañol, Bruno

122 6 p. 1649-1650
13 Familial idiopathic intracranial hypertension: a unique and rare entity with dramatic response to weight reduction Sureshbabu, Sachin

122 6 p. 1623-1626
14 Giant calcified pseudoplasm of the nerve axis of the temporal lobe: a case report and review of the literature Li, Yujian

122 6 p. 1477-1484
15 Hemorrhagic cerebral vasculopathy in Susac syndrome Muccioli, Lorenzo

122 6 p. 1599-1600
16 Hereditary spastic paraplegia: new insights into clinical variability and spasticity–ataxia phenotype, and novel mutations Sahin, Ibrahim

122 6 p. 1529-1535
17 Intracerebral hemorrhage at left temporal lobe caused by brachio-cephalic dialysis fistula induced venous congestive encephalopathy Chen, Tai-Yuan

122 6 p. 1633-1636
18 Isolated intracranial hypertension following SARS-CoV-2 infection in an adolescent boy: a case report ELmazny, Alaa

122 6 p. 1657-1660
19 Isolated neurobrucellosis—characteristic clinical and laboratory features Dar, Waseem

122 6 p. 1469-1475
20 Life-threatening myositis after one dose of nivolumab in a patient with nonmetastatic completely resected cutaneous melanoma Rus, Tomaž

122 6 p. 1637-1639
21 Limbic encephalitis and subclinical hashimoto’s disease associated with anti-GAD and anti-titin antibodies in a case of prostate cancer Karsidag, Sibel

122 6 p. 1627-1629
22 Meta-analysis of associations of genetic polymorphisms with cerebral vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Solodovnikova, Yuliia

122 6 p. 1547-1556
23 Milky effluent after therapeutic plasma exchange Posener, Sacha

122 6 p. 1595-1596
24 MOG antibody-positive paraneoplastic myelopathy in breast carcinoma: the new culprit Cherian, Ajith

122 6 p. 1603-1605
25 MRI appearance of anaplastic extraventricular ependymoma Romano, Nicola

122 6 p. 1591-1593
26 Muscle architecture and its relationship with lower extremity muscle strength in multiple sclerosis Kirmaci, Zekiye İpek Katirci

122 6 p. 1521-1528
27 Myasthenia gravis and insular cortex epilepsy: more than a chance association? Sureshbabu, Sachin

122 6 p. 1619-1621
28 Myoclonic dystonia (DYT11) responsive to lacosamide: a case report Salari, Mehri

122 6 p. 1631-1632
29 Natural pregnancy after gross total resection of a large craniopharyngioma with hypothalamic involvement: a case report Lin, Da

122 6 p. 1641-1644
30 NEURO-IMAGE: MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes syndrome) Pichon, Louise

122 6 p. 1597-1598
31 Neurosarcoidosis resembling multiple meningioma and manifesting as arrhythmia: a case report Xu, Jian

122 6 p. 1665-1667
32 Prevalence of mild behavioral impairment in patients with mild cognitive impairment Kianimehr, Gilda

122 6 p. 1493-1497
33 Recurrent cranial nerves palsy in common variable immunodeficiency: a case report Simonetto, M.

122 6 p. 1645-1647
34 Seasonal and monthly variation in multiple sclerosis relapses: a systematic review and meta-analysis Nabizadeh, Fardin

122 6 p. 1447-1456
35 Skull base hemangiopericytomas Tobias, Samuel

122 6 p. 1537-1545
36 Sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease as a mimic of progressive supranuclear palsy Lourenço Rosa, José

122 6 p. 1661-1663
37 Subacute dementia revealing a limbic encephalitis with anti-GAD 65 antibodies in a young woman Akkari, Manel

122 6 p. 1651-1652
38 The effect of the lunar cycle on migraine: preliminary findings from a retrospective study Aydin, Hilal

122 6 p. 1583-1588
39 The frequency of ALSFRS-R reversals and plateaus in patients with limb-onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a cohort study Hu, Nan

122 6 p. 1567-1573
40 Three territory sign in COVID-19 Bhatele, Prashant

122 6 p. 1601-1602
41 Trigeminal neuralgia following Tolosa-Hunt syndrome Durmaz, Gülsüm Saruhan

122 6 p. 1611-1613
42 Two distinct skeletal muscle microRNA signatures revealing the complex mechanism of sporadic ALS Aksu-Menges, Evrim

122 6 p. 1499-1509
43 Which type of mind–body exercise is most effective in improving functional performance and quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease? A systematic review with network meta-analysis Mustafaoglu, Rustem

122 6 p. 1433-1446
                             43 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland