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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Catechol-modified epoxy coatings with high adhesive strength on saturated concrete substrate Sun, Dewen

30 4 p. 401-410
2 Coccinia grandis stem fiber polymer composite: thermal and mechanical analysis Jebadurai, Samuel Garette

30 4 p. 369-380
3 Eco-friendly polyelectrolyte nanocomposite membranes based on chitosan and sulfonated chitin nanowhiskers for fuel cell applications Nasirinezhad, Mojtaba

30 4 p. 355-367
4 Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotube and its effect on shape memory behavior of nanocomposite based on thermoplastic polyurethane/polyvinyl chloride/multi-walled carbon nanotube (TPU/PVC/MWCNT) Ehteramian, Maryam

30 4 p. 411-422
5 Highly porous cellulosic nanocomposite membranes with enhanced performance for forward osmosis desalination Ahmed, Doaa

30 4 p. 423-444
6 Influence of cross-linkers on the properties of cotton grafted poly (acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) hydrogel composite: swelling and drug release kinetics Gupta, Preeti

30 4 p. 381-391
7 Irradiation, thermal and mechanical properties of ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer for use in wings of unmanned aerial vehicle Zhang, Yafeng

30 4 p. 393-399
8 Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(hydroxypropyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) as pH-sensitive semi-IPN hydrogels for oral insulin delivery: preparation and characterization Li, Shunying

30 4 p. 343-353
9 Zipper-like thermosensitive molecularly imprinted polymers based on konjac glucomannan for metformin hydrochloride An, Kai

30 4 p. 331-342
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland