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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 ABDKS: attribute-based encryption with dynamic keyword search in fog computing Meng, Fei

15 5 artikel
2 A Monte Carlo Neural Fictitious Self-Play approach to approximate Nash Equilibrium in imperfect-information dynamic games Zhang, Li

15 5 artikel
3 A multi-objective reinforcement learning algorithm for deadline constrained scientific workflow scheduling in clouds Qin, Yao

15 5 artikel
4 An improved multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for computation offloading in the multi-cloudlet environment Liu, Li

15 5 artikel
5 A novel privacy preserving data aggregation scheme with data integrity and fault tolerance for smart grid communications Bao, Haiyong

15 5 artikel
6 A quality status encoding scheme for PCB-based products in IoT-enabled remanufacturing Li, Sijie

15 5 artikel
7 A semi-transparent selective undo algorithm for multi-user collaborative editors Cai, Weiwei

15 5 artikel
8 Compositional metric learning for multi-label classification Sun, Yan-Ping

15 5 artikel
9 DP-UserPro: differentially private user profile construction and publication Huo, Zheng

15 5 artikel
10 Follow the perturbed approximate leader for solving semi-bandit combinatorial optimization Yang, Feidiao

15 5 artikel
11 HSAEP: a new platform to evaluate hybrid simulation algorithms Guo, Wei

15 5 artikel
12 MiTAR: a study on human activity recognition based on NLP with microscopic perspective Men, Huichao

15 5 artikel
13 Model learning: a survey of foundations, tools and applications Ali, Shahbaz

15 5 artikel
14 Multi-affect(ed): improving recommendation with similarity-enhanced user reliability and influence propagation Huang, Lele

15 5 artikel
15 Parallel exploration via negatively correlated search Yang, Peng

15 5 artikel
16 Sememe knowledge computation: a review of recent advances in application and expansion of sememe knowledge bases Qi, Fanchao

15 5 artikel
17 Siamese single object tracking algorithm with natural language prior Zhou, Qianli

15 5 artikel
18 Variant quantifiers in L3-valued first-order logic Li, Wei

15 5 artikel
19 WOBTree: a write-optimized B+-tree for non-volatile memory Wang, Haitao

15 5 artikel
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland