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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comprehensive perspective of contrastive self-supervised learning Chen, Songcan

15 4 artikel
2 An efficient indexing structure for multi-dimensional range query Chen, Shanshan

15 4 artikel
3 A survey of operating system support for persistent memory Cai, Miao

15 4 artikel
4 A systematic study on the role of SentiWordNet in opinion mining Husnain, Mujtaba

15 4 artikel
5 A time-aware hybrid recommendation scheme combining content-based and collaborative filtering Li, Hongzhi

15 4 artikel
6 Document structure model for survey generation using neural network Xu, Huiyan

15 4 artikel
7 Efficient k-dominant skyline query over incomplete data using MapReduce Ding, Linlin

15 4 artikel
8 Find truth in the hands of the few: acquiring specific knowledge with crowdsourcing Han, Tao

15 4 artikel
9 Incremental join view maintenance on distributed log-structured storage Duan, Huichao

15 4 artikel
10 Information networks fusion based on multi-task coordination Li, Dong

15 4 artikel
11 On interleaving space exploration of multi-threaded programs Chen, Dongjie

15 4 artikel
12 On the analysis of ant colony optimization for the maximum independent set problem Xia, Xiaoyun

15 4 artikel
13 Performance analysis of ASR system in hybrid DNN-HMM framework using a PWL euclidean activation function Dutta, Anirban

15 4 artikel
14 Personalized microblog recommendations based on trust propagation and implicit microblog similarity Mazinan, Elham

15 4 artikel
15 Rich-text document styling restoration via reinforcement learning Li, Hongwei

15 4 artikel
16 Semi-supervised community detection on attributed networks using non-negative matrix tri-factorization with node popularity Jin, Di

15 4 artikel
17 Sub-Nyquist spectrum sensing and learning challenge Gao, Yue

15 4 artikel
18 Unpaired image to image transformation via informative coupled generative adversarial networks Ge, Hongwei

15 4 artikel
19 Using BiLSTM with attention mechanism to automatically detect self-admitted technical debt Yu, Dongjin

15 4 artikel
20 VColor*: a practical approach for coloring large graphs Peng, Yun

15 4 artikel
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland