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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accurate and efficient follower log repair for Raft-replicated database systems Guo, Jinwei

15 2 artikel
2 An automated framework for advertisement detection and removal from sports videos using audio-visual cues Toheed, Abeer

15 2 artikel
3 An evaluation and query algorithm for the influence of spatial location based on RkNN Xu, Jingke

15 2 artikel
4 A novel chaotic butterfly network topology based block scrambling and crown graph based bit-wise diffusion for image encryption Vidhya, R.

15 2 artikel
5 A proactive secret sharing scheme based on Chinese remainder theorem Meng, Keju

15 2 artikel
6 Attention based simplified deep residual network for citywide crowd flows prediction Dai, Genan

15 2 artikel
7 DFD-Net: lung cancer detection from denoised CT scan image using deep learning Sori, Worku J.

15 2 artikel
8 Ethereum smart contract security research: survey and future research opportunities Wang, Zeli

15 2 artikel
9 Evolutionary selection for regression test cases based on diversity Ma, Baoying

15 2 artikel
10 Hierarchical data replication strategy to improve performance in cloud computing Mansouri, Najme

15 2 artikel
11 iMass: an approximate adaptive clustering algorithm for dynamic data using probability based dissimilarity Bhattacharjee, Panthadeep

15 2 artikel
12 Integrating heterogeneous thesauruses for Chinese synonyms Zhang, Jianbing

15 2 artikel
13 Migration of existing software systems to mobile computing platforms: a systematic mapping study Alseadoon, Ibrahim

15 2 artikel
14 On designing an unaided authentication service with threat detection and leakage control for defeating opportunistic adversaries Chakraborty, Nilesh

15 2 artikel
15 Optimal location query based on k nearest neighbours Liu, Yubao

15 2 artikel
16 Predicting protein subchloroplast locations: the 10th anniversary Sun, Jian

15 2 artikel
17 Simple index based symmetric searchable encryption with result verifiability Sharma, Dhruti

15 2 artikel
18 Task assignment for social-oriented crowdsourcing Wu, Gang

15 2 artikel
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland