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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aid of a machine learning algorithm can improve clinician predictions of patient quality of life during breast cancer treatments Nuutinen, Mikko

13 2 p. 229-244
2 A robotic arm for safe and accurate control of biomedical equipment during COVID-19 Iadanza, Ernesto

13 2 p. 285-300
3 Artificial Intelligence Applied to clinical trials: opportunities and challenges Askin, Scott

13 2 p. 203-213
4 A survey of deep learning for MRI brain tumor segmentation methods: Trends, challenges, and future directions Krishnapriya, Srigiri

13 2 p. 181-201
5 A systematic scoping review of digital health technologies during COVID-19: a new normal in primary health care delivery Ndayishimiye, Costase

13 2 p. 273-284
6 Evolution – removing paper and digitising the hospital Baniulyte, G.

13 2 p. 263-271
7 Factors contributing to poor healthcare data quality: qualitative study from Southern Ethiopia Endriyas, Misganu

13 2 p. 245-251
8 Internet of Things (IoT) based automated sanitizer dispenser and COVID-19 statistics reporter in a post-pandemic world G., Ashok

13 2 p. 327-341
9 Real-world treatment response in Japanese patients with cancer using unstructured data from electronic health records Araki, Kenji

13 2 p. 253-262
10 Survival study on deep learning techniques for IoT enabled smart healthcare system Munnangi, Ashok Kumar

13 2 p. 215-228
11 The applications and the effectiveness of mHealth interventions to manage lung cancer patients: a systematic review Amiri, Parastoo

13 2 p. 171-180
12 The first year of the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of r/Coronavirus subreddit: an exploratory study Tan, Zachary

13 2 p. 301-326
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland