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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An eradication agent acting on a binary cell population model: mathematical analysis Branco, J. R.

10 4 p. 945-959
2 A novel approach to keypoint detection for the aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer surgery outcomes Gonçalves, Tiago

10 4 p. 891-903
3 A-scan ultrasonic system for real time automatic cataract detection Petrella, Lorena

10 4 p. 905-911
4 Can recurrent neural network enhanced EEGNet improve the accuracy of ERP classification task? An exploration and a discussion Zhao, Haifeng

10 4 p. 979-995
5 Characterization of the retinal changes of the 3×Tg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease Ferreira, Hugo

10 4 p. 875-883
6 Correction to: Modelling whole heart electrical activity for ischemia and cardiac pacing simulation Biasi, Niccoló

10 4 p. 851-852
7 Diagnostic value of apparent diffusion coefficient lesion texture biomarkers in breast MRI Tsarouchi, Marialena I.

10 4 p. 969-978
8 Editorial Kun, Luis

10 4 p. 833-836
9 Increasing levels of insulin secretion in bioartificial pancreas technology: co-encapsulation of beta cells and nanoparticles containing GLP-1 in alginate hydrogels Crisóstomo, Joana

10 4 p. 885-890
10 Machine learning models for the prediction of acuity and variability of eye-positioning using features extracted from oculography Improta, Giovanni

10 4 p. 961-968
11 Machine learning prediction of susceptibility to visceral fat associated diseases Aldraimli, M.

10 4 p. 925-944
12 Modelling whole heart electrical activity for ischemia and cardiac pacing simulation Biasi, Niccoló

10 4 p. 837-850
13 Sexual dimorphism of the adult human retina assessed by optical coherence tomography Nunes, Ana

10 4 p. 913-924
14 Smart shirt system for compensatory movement retraining assistance: feasibility study Eizentals, Peteris

10 4 p. 861-874
15 Smart socks: new effective method of gait monitoring for systems with limited number of plantar sensors Oks, Alexander

10 4 p. 853-860
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland