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                             31 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive pastoralists—Insights into local and regional patterns in livelihood adaptation choices among pastoralists in Kenya Bostedt, Göran

13 1 artikel
2 A microregional reindeer herding landscape in Yamal: patterns and dynamics of movements Volkovitskiy, Alexander

13 1 artikel
3 Artificial pastoral systems: a review of agent-based modelling studies of pastoral systems Moritz, Mark

13 1 artikel
4 Benefits, concerns and prospects of using goat manure in sub-Saharan Africa Washaya, Soul

13 1 artikel
5 Book review of “Conservation and Community in Kenya: Milking the Elephant” by Carolyn Lesorogol Homewood, Katherine M.

13 1 artikel
6 Book review of Masters of the Steppe: The Impact of the Scythians and Later Nomad Societies of Eurasia edited by Svetlana V Pankova and St John Simpson Bendrey, Robin

13 1 artikel
7 Book review of “Media culture in nomadic communities” by Allison Hahn Waters-Bayer, Ann

13 1 artikel
8 Capitalizing Contradictoriness: Ranchers between State and Open Range – and vis-à-vis Pastoralists Schareika, Nikolaus

13 1 artikel
9 Correction: One health insights into pastoralists’ perceptions on zoonotic diseases in Ethiopia: perspectives from South Omo Zone of SNNP Region Samuel, Tefera Alemu

13 1 artikel
10 Cultured reindeer, domesticated land, and (self)-cultivated herders: Histories and structures of reindeer herding landscapes in the European part of Russia Istomin, Kirill V.

13 1 artikel
11 Determinants of agro-pastoralists’ willingness to pay for improved contagious caprine pleuropneumonia vaccine in Kenya Ouya, Fredrick Ochieng

13 1 artikel
12 Dynamics of pastoral conflicts in eastern Rift Valley of Ethiopia: Contested boundaries, state projects and small arms Burka, Boru Musa

13 1 artikel
13 Economics of Yak herding in the Kanchenjunga landscape of the Eastern Himalayas Rai, Rajesh K.

13 1 artikel
14 Enteric methane output and weight accumulation of Nguni and Bonsmara cows raised under different grazing conditions Slayi, Mhlangabezi

13 1 artikel
15 Geographical variability and cultural diversity of reindeer pastoralism in northern Russia: delimitation of areas with different types of reindeer husbandry Klokov, Konstantin B.

13 1 artikel
16 Governance of rangeland in Bhutan: Institutions and policy initiatives Wangchuk, Kesang

13 1 artikel
17 High quality, high reliability: The dynamics of camel milk marketing in northern Kenya Nori, Michele

13 1 artikel
18 Identification of the feed supplements commonly utilised by communal beef cattle farmers during the dry season at Ga-Matlala, Limpopo province Monkwe, T. R.

13 1 artikel
19 Integration and adoption of climate resilient management practices for enhanced productivity of sheep and goats in pastoral communities of Northern Kenya Ojango, Julie M. K.

13 1 artikel
20 Mobile health service as an alternative modality for hard-to-reach pastoralist communities of Afar and Somali regions in Ethiopia Eba, Kasahun

13 1 artikel
21 Mountain agropastoralism: traditional practices, institutions and pressures in the Indian Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh Ladon, Padma

13 1 artikel
22 Moving beyond ‘claims’ about reindeer pastoralism in Finnmark, Norway: a rejoinder Marin, Andrei

13 1 artikel
23 One health insights into pastoralists’ perceptions on zoonotic diseases in Ethiopia: perspectives from South Omo Zone of SNNP Region Alemu, Samuel Tefera

13 1 artikel
24 Participatory rangeland management: A vehicle for pastoralist women’s empowerment in Ethiopia Flintan, Fiona

13 1 artikel
25 Pastoralism in South Asia: Contemporary stresses and adaptations of Himalayan pastoralists Singh, Rashmi

13 1 artikel
26 Pastoralists’ and agro-pastoralists’ livelihood resilience to climate change-induced risks in the Borana zone, south Ethiopia: Using resilience index measurement approach Tofu, Daniel Assefa

13 1 artikel
27 Suburban pastoralists: Pastoral adaptation strategies at the rural-urban interface in Nairobi, Kenya Rotich, Sylvia Jemutai

13 1 artikel
28 Temporal climate conditions and spatial drought patterns across rangelands in pastoral areas of West Guji and Borana zones, Southern Ethiopia Dejene, Tesfaye

13 1 artikel
29 The Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir and their changing marriage rituals Dar, Sajad Ahmad

13 1 artikel
30 Tracking free-ranging sheep to evaluate interrelations between selective grazing, movement patterns and the botanical composition of alpine summer pastures in northern Italy Wild, Maria

13 1 artikel
31 Using participatory epidemiology to investigate women’s knowledge on the seasonality and causes of acute malnutrition in Karamoja, Uganda Catley, Andy

13 1 artikel
                             31 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland