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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Annual and perennial high-Andes species have a contrasting freezing-resistance mechanism to cope with summer frosts Morales, Loreto V.

130 2 p. 169-178
2 Does the life-history strategy determine the freezing resistance of flowers and leaves of alpine herbaceous species? Morales, Loreto V.

130 2 p. 157-168
3 Dominant shrub species are a strong predictor of plant species diversity along subalpine pasture-shrub transects Zehnder, Tobias

130 2 p. 141-156
4 Effects of small-herbivore disturbance on the clonal growth of two perennial graminoids in alpine meadows Wang, Qian

130 2 p. 115-127
5 Genetic structure of the endemic Papaver occidentale indicates survival and immigration in the Western Prealps Pittet, Loïc

130 2 p. 129-140
6 Seedlings of alpine species do not have better frost-tolerance than their lowland counterparts Rosbakh, Sergey

130 2 p. 179-185
7 Seed mass and plant home site environment interact to determine alpine species germination patterns along an elevation gradient Veselá, Andrea

130 2 p. 101-113
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland