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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aboriginal cultural educators teaching the teachers: mobilisng a collaborative cultural mentoring program to affect change Burgess, Cathie

50 2 p. 203-220
2 Asking for a friend: seeking teacher help for the homophobic harassment of a peer Molina, Andres

50 2 p. 481-501
3 Co-designing a curriculum model for career education: perspectives from regional communities in Australia Mahat, Marian

50 2 p. 409-431
4 Developing preservice teachers’ intercultural understanding and capability through wider field experience/service learning in Peru Grainger, Peter

50 2 p. 329-352
5 From assimilation towards reconciliation with Amy Levai, nee O’Donoghue (1930–2013), South Australia’s first qualified Aboriginal infant teacher Whitehead, Kay

50 2 p. 221-235
6 Gender equity in early childhood picture books: a cross-cultural study of frequently read picture books in early childhood classrooms in Australia and the United States Adam, Helen

50 2 p. 453-479
7 Indigenous early career researchers: creating pearls in the academy Locke, Michelle Lea

50 2 p. 237-253
8 Making friends in Australia: expectations and experiences of Chinese international students in Australian secondary schools Lindner, Karen

50 2 p. 537-559
9 Mixed Messages: The enduring significance of email in school principals’ work Heffernan, Amanda

50 2 p. 255-273
10 ‘One student might get one opportunity and then the next student won’t get anything like that’: Inequities in Australian career education and recommendations for a fairer future Groves, Olivia

50 2 p. 519-536
11 Overrepresentation of Indigenous students in school suspension, exclusion, and enrolment cancellation in Queensland: is there a case for systemic inclusive school reform? Graham, Linda J.

50 2 p. 167-201
12 Personalised outreach to students on leave of absence to reduce attrition risk Naylor, Ryan

50 2 p. 433-451
13 Primary specialisations in Australia: graduates’ perceptions of outcome and impact Main, S.

50 2 p. 371-390
14 School autonomy reform and social justice: a policy overview of Australian public education (1970s to present) MacDonald, Katrina

50 2 p. 307-327
15 Structure and agency in the development of education policies for refugee-background students Baak, Melanie

50 2 p. 561-579
16 Student activism, sexual consent and gender justice: enduring difficulties and tensions for schools Keddie, Amanda

50 2 p. 503-518
17 Teacher and student perceptions of oral classroom feedback practices: a video-stimulated recall study van der Kleij, Fabienne

50 2 p. 353-370
18 The promise of Appreciative Inquiry as a tool to developing home–school relationships for secondary Pacific students Flavell, Margaret

50 2 p. 391-407
19 The public–private debate: school sector differences in academic achievement from Year 3 to Year 9? Larsen, Sally A.

50 2 p. 275-306
20 Understanding creativity in primary English, science, and history McLean, Natalie

50 2 p. 581-600
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland