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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alder-Based Shifting Cultivation in Nagaland – A Theoretical Perspective Saikia, Bondita

10 2 p. 19-26
2 Climate Change Impact on Migration Situation in Coastal Delta Belt of Bangladesh: A Qualitative Explorative Study Barua, Prabal

10 2 p. 51-68
3 Editorial Ramanathan, AL.

10 2 p. i-iii
4 Enhancing Data Analytics in Environmental Sensing Through Cloud IoT Integration Verma, Rohan

10 2 p. 41-45
5 Enhancing Fuel Efficiency and Emission Control in Diesel Locomotives through Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) in Neutral Conditions Mallemoggala, Pavani Siva

10 2 p. 69-74
6 Evaluating Passive Housing Strategies in Extreme Climates: A Case Study of Dubai Using PHPP and IESVE Models Mahgoub, Mohamed

10 2 p. 1-18
7 Impact of Ocean Acidification on Plankton – A Short Review Sharma, Ishita

10 2 p. 47-50
8 Present Scenario of Ocean Warming (OW) and Ocean Acidification (OA) in the Coastal and Marine Waters of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh and Implications of OW and OA on Fisheries and Seafood of Bangladesh: A First Regional Review Study Pervez, Alam

10 2 p. 27-39
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland