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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Meta-Analysis on the Link Between Young People’s Social Environment, Socioeconomic Status, and Political Violence Outcomes Jahnke, Sara

17 1-3 p. 19-29
2 A Social Network Intervention to Improve Adolescents’ Intergroup Tolerance Via Norms of Equality-Based Respect: The “Together for Tolerance” Feasibility Study Shani, Maor

17 1-3 p. 93-110
3 Editorial Scheithauer, Herbert

17 1-3 p. 1
4 Extremist Thinking and Doing: A Systematic Literature Study of Empirical Findings on Factors Associated with (De)Radicalisation Processes Feddes, Allard R.

17 1-3 p. 7-18
5 Honor Endorsement in Male Youth: A General Risk Factor for Aggressive Behavior? Kollek, Marie

17 1-3 p. 55-65
6 How to Reduce Online Hate Speech Among Adolescents? A Pilot Study on the Effects of a Teaching Unit on Social Norms, Self-efficacy and Knowledge About Hate Speech Pfetsch, Jan S.

17 1-3 p. 81-92
7 Predicting Adolescents’ Intentions to Support Victims of Bullying from Expected Reactions of Friends versus Peers Marx, Hedda

17 1-3 p. 67-80
8 Racist Hate Speech at School and its Association with Bystanders’ Active Defending – The Protective Role of Immigrant Background Castellanos, Melisa

17 1-3 p. 31-41
9 Special Issue Editorial: Political Socialization as Desiderata of Developmental Psychology Beelmann, Andreas

17 1-3 p. 3-5
10 Young and Prone to Populist Ideas? –Facets and Correlates of Populist Attitudes in Middle Adolescence Körner, Astrid

17 1-3 p. 43-54
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland