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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Antisocial Behaviour and Violent Delinquency Among Boys with a Migration Background: A German Panel Study Uysal, Burcu

13 3-4 p. 97-108
2 Do Stereotypes of Mental and Developmental Disorders Predict Bystander Intentions in Cyberbullying? An Application of the Stereotype Content Model Görzig, Anke

13 3-4 p. 83-95
3 Editorial Scheithauer, Herbert

13 3-4 p. 79-80
4 Implausible Lie Detection in Early Childhood: Exploring Self-Regulation and Social Cognition as Predictors Farrell, Carmen Brown

13 3-4 p. 123-132
5 List of Reviewers
13 3-4 p. 133
6 Special Section: 23rd Workshop on Aggression 2018: Discrimination, Radicalization, and Aggression, Guest Editors: Rebecca Bondü and Herbert Scheithauer
13 3-4 p. 81
7 Student Crisis Prevention in Schools: The NETWorks Against School Shootings Program (NETWASS) – An Approach Suitable for the Prevention of Violent Extremism? Fiedler, Nora

13 3-4 p. 109-122
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland