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1 Action Rules of Lowest Cost and Action Set Correlations Tzacheva, Angelina A.

172 4 p. 399-412
2 A Second-order Corrector Infeasible Interior-point Method with One-norm wide Neighborhood for Symmetric Optimization Kheirfam, Behrouz

172 4 p. 343-359
3 Morphisms in Binary Rough Set Theory Zheng, Tingting

172 4 p. 413-434
4 On Commuting Parikh q-Matrices Bera, Somnath

172 4 p. 327-341
5 On Orthogonal Projections on the Space of Consistent Pairwise Comparisons Matrices Koczkodaj, Waldemar W.

172 4 p. 379-397
6 On the Consistency of k-means++ algorithm Kłopotek, Mieczysław A.

172 4 p. 361-377
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands