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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A 2H NMR study of order and dynamics in the cubic I1 phase of the dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride/water system 2000
27 7 p. 943-955
2 An effective method for evaluating the image-sticking effect of TFT-LCDs by interpretative modelling of optical measurements 2000
27 7 p. 965-975
3 An example of an unsymmetrically substituted, monofunctionalized anthraquinone-based discotic liquid crystal 2000
27 7 p. 991-994
4 Camphor and nopinone derivatives as new photosensitive chiral dopants 2000
27 7 p. 929-933
5 Editorial 2000
27 7 p. 865
6 Effect of molecular structure on the phase behaviour of some liquid crystalline compounds and their mixtures IX. Multi-mixtures of a monotrope and enantiotropes 2000
27 7 p. 889-895
7 Electrostatics and the electro-optic behaviour of chiral smectics C: 'block' polarization screening of applied voltage and 'V-shaped' switching 2000
27 7 p. 985-990
8 Fluorescent columnar liquid crystalline 3,4,9,10-tetra-(n-alkoxycarbonyl)-perylenes 2000
27 7 p. 901-906
9 LC diketones: synthesis, transformations and mesomorphic properties 2000
27 7 p. 935-941
10 Liquid crystal alignment capabilities on rubbed organic solvent soluble polyimide surfaces with trifluoromethyl moieties 2000
27 7 p. 883-887
11 Pretransitional phenomena in acrylate-based liquid crystal networks 2000
27 7 p. 921-927
12 Rotational dynamics of a discotic liquid crystal studied by deuteron spin relaxation 2000
27 7 p. 897-900
13 Rough surfaces for orientation control in reverse mode polymer dispersed liquid crystal films 2000
27 7 p. 917-920
14 Surface anchoring energy and the first order Freedericksz transition of a NLC cell 2000
27 7 p. 875-882
15 Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of novel fishbone-like liquid crystalline polysilsesquioxanes VI. Fishbone-like, ester-based liquid crystalline polysilsesquioxanes 2000
27 7 p. 907-916
16 Synthesis and properties of three novel series of monomers containing para-methoxyazobenzene as the mesogenic group 2000
27 7 p. 867-873
17 Theoretical model for layer reorientation in smectic A* liquid crystals subject to an oblique magnetic field 2000
27 7 p. 957-963
18 The role of surface tilt in the operation of pi-cell liquid crystal devices 2000
27 7 p. 977-984
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland