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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 AFM investigations of a sample showing the B2 phase 2000
27 5 p. 629-634
2 A mesoscale modelling study of nematic liquid crystals confined to ellipsoidal domains 2000
27 5 p. 591-603
3 Amphotropic liquid crystallinity of N,N'-diundecenoylbenzene-1,4-diamine (DUBDA) 2000
27 5 p. 697-701
4 Chiral liquid crystalline m-nitrotolans and tolans: synthesis and mesomorphic properties 2000
27 5 p. 657-663
5 Columnar discotics in confined geometries 2000
27 5 p. 643-648
6 Dielectric and viscous properties of 6CHBT in the isotropic and nematic phases 2000
27 5 p. 613-619
7 Dimorphism SmA-B2 in bent-core mesogens with perfluorinated terminal chains 2000
27 5 p. 683-687
8 Electro-optic effect, propagation loss, and switching speed in polymers containing nano-sized droplets of liquid crystal 2000
27 5 p. 649-655
9 Ferroelectric switching in a novel bent-shaped mesogen having two non-mesogenic units linked by an alkylene spacer 2000
27 5 p. 585-590
10 2H NMR spectroscopy of liquid crystals: structure and orientational order of a chiral smectogen in its A, C* and J* phases 2000
27 5 p. 621-627
11 Hydrogen-bonded polycatenar mesogens 2000
27 5 p. 605-611
12 Induced crystal G phase through intermolecular hydrogen bonding II. Influence of alkyl chain length of n-alkyl p-hydroxybenzoates on thermal and phase behaviour 2000
27 5 p. 665-669
13 Intermolecular organization of triphenylene-based discotic mesogens by interdigitation of alkyl chains 2000
27 5 p. 689-692
14 Ionic liquid crystals: synthesis and mesomorphic properties of dimeric 2,4,6-triarylpyrylium tetrafluoroborates 2000
27 5 p. 671-676
15 Laterally dibenzyloxy-branched nematogens with large nematic range and rich solid polymorphism 2000
27 5 p. 635-641
16 Novel alignment method for control of high pretilt angle by using a solvent dipping effect on polymer surfaces 2000
27 5 p. 711-713
17 Observation of the internal network structure of a polymer-stabilized liquid crystal via transmission electron microscopy 2000
27 5 p. 693-696
18 Optical switching and alignment of antiferroelectric liquid crystals containing an azo group 2000
27 5 p. 555-558
19 Phase transitions in the antiferroelectric liquid crystal C8 tolane determined by dielectric and electro-optical measurements 2000
27 5 p. 559-566
20 Polarizing-alignment layers for twisted nematic cells 2000
27 5 p. 567-572
21 Proton magnetic relaxation study of pretransitional phenomena in the isotropic phase of a nematic liquid crystal I. Dynamics of local order fluctuations 2000
27 5 p. 573-578
22 Proton magnetic relaxation study of pretransitional phenomena in the isotropic phase of a nematic liquid crystal II. Presence of inner magnetic field gradients as revealed by self-diffusion study 2000
27 5 p. 579-584
23 SmA-SmC-B2 polymorphism in an achiral cyano substituted banana-shaped mesogen 2000
27 5 p. 677-681
24 Synthesis and mesogenic properties of azo-dye liquid crystals 2000
27 5 p. 707-709
25 The first hexagonal columnar discotic liquid crystalline carbazole derivative 2000
27 5 p. 703-706
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland