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                             5 results found
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1 Internationalisation and Performance in Spanish Family Smes: The W-Curve Fernández-Olmos, Marta

19 2 p. 122-136
2 Management Capabilities, Innovation, and Gender Diversity in the Top Management Team: An Empirical Analysis in Technology-Based Smes Ruiz-Jiménez, Jenny María

19 2 p. 107-121
3 Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Role of Good Corporate Governance Rodriguez-Fernandez, Mercedes

19 2 p. 137-151
4 Sourcing Strategies and Productivity: Evidence for Spanish Manufacturing Firms Farinas, José Carlos

19 2 p. 90-106
5 The Influence of Family Control on Decisions regarding the Specialization and Diversification of Business Groups Hernández-Trasobares, Alejandro

19 2 p. 73-89
                             5 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands