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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Access Is Necessary but Not Sufficient: Factors Influencing Delay and Avoidance of Health Care Services Smith, Kyle T.
3 1 artikel
2 A Comparison Between Subjective and Objective Methods of Predicting Health Care Expenses to Support Consumers’ Health Insurance Plan Choice Politi, Mary C.
3 1 artikel
3 Active Choice Intervention Increases Advance Directive Completion: A Randomized Trial Josephs, Michael
3 1 artikel
4 An Informatics Approach to Implement Support for Shared Decision Making for Primary Prevention Statin Therapy Ye, Siqin
3 1 artikel
5 Comparing and Monitoring Risk-Adjusted Hospital Performance Measures: A Weighted Estimating Equations Approach Barfoot, Patricia Cooper
3 1 artikel
6 Cost Recommendations in the Second Edition of Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine: A Review Nyman, John A.
3 1 artikel
7 Electronically Verified Use of Internet-Based, Multimedia Decision Aids by Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes and Their Caregivers Wysocki, Tim
3 1 artikel
8 Enhancing the Value of the ASCO Value Framework Morton, Alec
3 1 artikel
9 Estimation of Input Costs for a Markov Model in a German Health Economic Evaluation of Newer Antidepressants Seidl, Astrid
3 1 artikel
10 Health Technology Optimization Analysis: Conceptual Approach and Illustrative Application Yan, Charles
3 1 artikel
11 Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise? Exploring Parent Comparative Optimism About Future Child Outcomes Wright, Davene R.
3 1 artikel
12 Individualized Colorectal Cancer Screening Discussions Between Older Adults and Their Primary Care Providers: A Cross-Sectional Study Kistler, Christine E.
3 1 artikel
13 Organic Dissemination and Real-World Implementation of Patient Decision Aids for Left Ventricular Assist Device Thompson, Jocelyn S.
3 1 artikel
14 Population Health and Cost-Effectiveness Implications of a “Treat All” Recommendation for HCV: A Review of the Model-Based Evidence Cipriano, Lauren E.
3 1 artikel
15 Should We Use the IMPACT-Model for the Outcome Prognostication of TBI Patients? A Qualitative Study Assessing Physicians’ Perceptions Moskowitz, Jesse
3 1 artikel
16 The Lifetime Health Burden of Delayed Graft Function in Kidney Transplant Recipients in the United States Incerti, Devin
3 1 artikel
17 Understanding Midwives’ Preferences for Providing Information About Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wright, Stuart James
3 1 artikel
18 Using a Patient Decision Aid Video to Assess Current and Former Smokers’ Values About the Harms and Benefits of Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography Hoffman, Aubri S.
3 1 artikel
19 Using Decision Analysis to Support Newborn Screening Policy Decisions: A Case Study for Pompe Disease Prosser, Lisa A.
3 1 artikel
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland