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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Bioluminescence Detection of Cells Having Stabilized p53 in Response to a Genotoxic Event Rehemtulla, Alnawaz
3 1 artikel
2 Characterization of Coelenterazine Analogs for Measurements of Renilla Luciferase Activity in Live Cells and Living Animals Zhao, Hui
3 1 artikel
3 Comparison of Transfection Agents in Forming Complexes with Ferumoxides, Cell Labeling Efficiency, and Cellular Viability Arbab, Ali Syed
3 1 artikel
4 In Vivo Respiratory-Gated Micro-CT Imaging in Small-Animal Oncology Models Cavanaugh, Dawn
3 1 artikel
5 Multi-modality Imaging Identifies Key Times for Annexin V Imaging as an Early Predictor of Therapeutic Outcome Mandl, Stefanie J.
3 1 artikel
6 Quantitative Comparison of the Sensitivity of Detection of Fluorescent and Bioluminescent Reporters in Animal Models Troy, Tamara
3 1 artikel
7 Visualization of the Dynamics of Gene Expression in the Living Mouse Ryan, Amy
3 1 artikel
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland